I want to post an update, but i’m kinda at a loss. I’ll just ramble. Christmas was fun, i was back at my mom’s a lot spending time with the family. got my cousin’s old golf clubs, thinking about trying to learn. feeling very sluggish recently. i want to work out for muscle this year, […]
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Tags: car transmission, Christmas, dallas, family, game, mom, play, school, Travis, Work
wow, a lot to update i guess. I can’t remember the last time i made an update, which is actually a nice intro to the next topic… This past weekend, my family and I went up to Nemacolin to do some snowboarding, spa stuff, and just hang out. It was a great time. Saturday, Mike, […]
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Tags: Christmas, dad, Deirdre, family, house, Keren, King, Kong, Major, Meet the Feebles, Mike, mom, paramedic, peter jackson, school, Work
ahhh, back to the josh hall we all know and love. here i am, depressed, alone, unmotivated, introverted, and not eating, only this time, i’m already 20 pounds ahead of the game. i lack direction, i lack support, i lack guidance, i lack interaction, i lack life. i watched a movie called palindromes today, and […]
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Tags: family, friends, game, happy, love, movie, people
october. It went from 70 degree weather to 50 in the matter of a day or two. i’m not happy. effing october. Went down to annapolis this weekend with my sisters to hang out with serah. it was a good time. we didnt really do all that much, but it was nice to hang out. […]
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Tags: birthday, happy, Mike, mom, money, school, serah, Work
Threw up last night at 2am. Havent thrown up since i was like 12. so i stayed home from work today. Dunno what’s going on with my body. It might be the weight loss thing. this morning i woke up and weighed myself, and i was 192. at the beginning of the year, i was […]
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Tags: head, home, house, love, manager, movie, national guard, new orleans, school, Work
Nearing the end of august, and i’ve got a lot on my plate. Big surprise there. Majorly back-logged with code work needed in the dragon game. It certainly isn’t a burden though. I find the game extremely rewarding. Having som many interesting people, from all over the world playing, seeing how they all interact, being […]
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Tags: bank, blah, Chris, code, dad, Deirdre, game, home, house, Keren, love, Maryland, mom, money, Penn, people, play, school, teacher, Work