ok, so i am back from canada, but i haven’t uploaded pics yet because i am waiting to get Keren’s from her. I’ll make a note when i get them up. Other than that, it was great. I did absolutely nothing. hung out on the island, read some books, played some guitar, hung out with […]
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Tags: Adam, birthday, Canada, cuz, family, gas bill, guitar, home, house, Keren, LAN, LAN party, lawyer, love, people, school, serah, Tommy
Comments: 2, 2,442 views
it’s 5 am, and i am just going to bed. Got a lot to do today. clean the apartment, eye doctor’s, going to a Who – Tommy broadway thing with adam, and i gotta pack for yankanuck. leaving 6am saturday and going up to canada for a week. should be lots of fun. i am […]
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Tags: Adam, Canada, code, dreams, guitar, Keren, people, play, yankanuck
Comments: 8, 2,983 views
ugh, kinda in a bad mood. I officially hate my public speaking class. It’s way too intense and the guidlines are to strict. My incompetence doesn’t help much with that either. I’ve got poison ivy from working at the estate this weekend too. kinda draining. We did make good progress on the yard though, mike […]
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Tags: Alicia Silverstone, Canada, east coast, house, London, mandy moore, Mike, Work
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So one of those houses that i was looking at has water damage, and the bank might foreclose on it, which means I could get it on the cheap. I have a realtor looking into it for me. I’m in the mood for a life altering decision. Jordan (who is probably reading this) freaked out […]
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Tags: bank, Canada, charlotte, family, house, Jordan, online class, school, Work
Comments: 8, 2,913 views
Well, I got into Robert Morris, classes start next tuesday. Still gotta register though, i’ll do that tomorrow. Hopefully i’ll be able to do well and speed this up and finish by end of next summer. As far as work goes, they moved one guy on my shift to the earlier shift, and the guy […]
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Tags: dad, firewall, friends, game, joshuadhall.com, life insurance money, money, people, school, Work
Comments: 4, 2,674 views
So, i’ll give you the play-by-play of this weekend. tok off friday so i could be well rested, headed out about noon, and not a mile down the road i hear this radio commercial for southwest airlines. it says “the next time you are driving from pittsburgh to philly, fly southwest for only $29” I […]
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Tags: art, game, home, Mike, mom, Philidelphia museum, philly, Pitt, pittsburgh, play, Robert Morris, seattle, serah
Comments: 8, 2,638 views