havent posted since tuesday! what did you miss?? nothing. I went into Touchtown today, took the bus in. good times. We just brainstormed on marketing ideas, and getting the documentation helpful for people signing up, and just a few other odds and ends. users playing the dragon game doubled this month compared to last month, so […]
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Tags: game, ideas, Jordan, Mike, people, Touchtown, Work
I got inspired to write the past few days, and have a few ideas for novels. I am going to work on them. I know i have said that before, but i am going to have some spare time, and it is something i want to do. I also started working on my material for […]
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Tags: Adam, energy, funny, ideas, Work
so much to say, and not a single word i can utter. So much on my mind and not a single sound on my tongue. people drive me crazy. why do i have to be a bad guy for being a nice guy???? went to cornerstone. totally wasnt feeling up to it. Jordon otto asked […]
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Tags: energy, music, people, play
my mind is blank. all i did the past few days was work. I saw twisted thursday, that wasnt too bad. I have been puting A LOT of work into legend of the green dragon. got about 60 people playing now. I am working with a few other developers on a castle, that should be […]
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Tags: Chris, code, home, people, Queen, Work
Comments: 2, 2,535 views
what a crazy week. and it isnt even over yet. working from 4- midnight does a number on you. Monday i woke up at 9 and went down to Wheeling to get my teeth inspected by “Dr. Dan.” No cavatities here. i havent seen a dentist in like 6 or 7 years. i was surprised. […]
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Tags: Adam, basketball, email server, game, happy, Oakland, people, Work
my mom and tirza picked me up from work at 2 am saturday to bring me home. I wanted to go to cleveland this weekend, but no one wanted to go with me. 🙁 i feel crappy about working everyday over break and not going anywhere, and i had sunday off, so i thought cleveland […]
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Tags: Adam, cleveland, dentist, home, house, mom, money, serah, washington, Work