Kallie and I drove to Chicago on Oct 15th for the Urbanathlon on the 16th. We were a little scared about the 7.5 hour drive since our car has been giving us so many (expensive) problems. It lasted though, and hopefully we didn’t shave off too many days of it’s life. We stayed at the […]
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Tags: car, chicago, detroit, food, fruit sushi, frushi, gary sinese, girl and the goat, holiday inn, Kallie, orange, race, restaurant, review, steppenwolf, trip, urbanathlon, west loop
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Well, some of you already knew, but now that it didn’t pan out, we’re allowed to talk about it. Back in April, Chemistry.com (where Kallie and I met) contacted us and wanted us to be interviewed by a “national magazine” about our story. Turns out it was People Magazine. So they called Kallie, asked her […]
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Tags: California, Canada, chicago, guitar, Kallie, life, music, online dating, people, school, urbanathlon, yankanuck
It’s been a while since I posted a personal update. Things in married life go well. New job goes well. Thinking about going back to school in the fall. That might be the level of detail you get in the updates going forward…not really sure. I don’t really want to write about my life with […]
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Tags: Atonement, bible, Billy Talent, Blade Runner, Cheyne Stoking, christ, church, Dead Man Shoes, dreams, easter, Everclear, friends, funny, God, Heinz Hall, home, house, internet meme, J. Alfred Prufrock, Kallie, Keren, love, Michael Jackson, Mike, mom, movie, Nova Scotia, people, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Symphony, poem, President of the United States of America, sad, school, sleep, song, Soul Coughing, Sparkle and Fade, travel, United States of America, Waking Life, War of the Worlds
Updates have been few and far between around here! I can’t remember the last time I did a personal update, but i don’t think it’s been this year! I was trying to make an update at least once a month before. Let me see what I can recap for you… The wedding plans go well. […]
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Tags: art, Ben Beitzel, California, car couple, christ, code, Deirdre, easter, family, Greek Easter, house, Kallie, LEGO, love, music, Nathan Sawaya, P90x, people, play, Sacramento, Work
Note to self – Call off work the month of December. You will not be able to get anyone to do any work, even if they are in the office, so just avoid the frustration completely. That’s basically how I feel right now. I had my first project fail last Saturday, and now I have to […]
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Tags: Bloomfield Bridge Tavern, Christmas, ESB, family, friends, home, Jordan, Kallie, Keren, Lake Tahoe, left hand, mom, New Year's Day, Palo Alto, philly, play, San Francisco, Work