My how the time flies. I was originally going to title this post “Wake me up, when September ends” but we’re way past that point already. The alarm has been ringing all month long for me to wake from my slumber, but I’ve been dreaming and watching everything move at the speed of life. First […]
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Tags: alarm, andy, Bedford hill, birthday, children's hospital, church, competitive runner, family, happy, house, Kallie, Keren, men's health, money, music, people, philly, race, time, travel, urbanathlon, Work
Alright, here we go. In less than 24 hours, I’ll be in manhattan running my butt off and climbing 55 flights of stairs in world trade tower 7. I’m so not as prepared as I wanted to be. Laziness, vacation, and other distractions are my excuses. I’ll probably get to my friend Ross’ in Brooklyn […]
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Tags:, Ross
you know, I should really make an effort to make personal updates what I have something to say instead of these dull posts that just fade into archives and the history of me never to be read again, as if they were a polaroid photo where everyone has red eye… anyway. Drove out to delaware […]
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Tags: friends, house, Kallie, new york, people, philly, pittsburgh, serah, Work
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Alright, first things first. I ran my first ever 5k on Saturday. I finished in pretty much 30 minutes flat. I crossed the line at ~30:09 and I was in the back of the starting line, so take some time to cross the line. It was on mount washington’s grandview drive, and then part of […]
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Tags: California, dreams, family, money, philly, school, the warped tour, washington, Work
Really, I have to give it up to my body for the past month or so. It’s been through a lot, especially in the past week! I have poison all over my legs, probably have some sort of sinus infection following a cold a week ago, and I’ve added a weight routine inbetween days of […]
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Tags: 4th of july, California, Chris, Deirdre, God, Mike, mom, money, music, play, serah, sing, soccer, song, Work, yankanuck
I guess it’s time for one of these. I didn’t post anything in may, so let’s see… New job…is rough at times. No the work itself, but the people I work with. There’s some serious tension in the group, and I don’t see it getting any better until *something* gives. It’s a little ridiculous and […]
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Tags: chicago, Chris, Chris Olivieri, friends, geek, money, music, new york, Oakland, people, play, Work
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