What a week! I’ve accepted a new position at work this week, which is a bit of a promotion. I’ve got a whole new team to work with and they seem pretty awesome so far. The work itself is going to be extremely challenging, as in…what they heck am i doing here??? challenging…but I’ll get […]
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Tags: Carnegie Mellon, Robinson Clubhouse, Work
Comments: 2, 3,475 views
I’m sick. started witha sore throat on thursday, and it’s worked it’s way all over my sinuses and body since. I made it out to philly for the craft brew fest, (affectionately refered to as the philly beer fest) and had a total blast. I’ll post some pictures soon. I’ve got a guy from the Netherlands […]
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Tags: philly, pittsburgh, The Netherlands, United States, Work
Comments: 2, 2,965 views
you’d think I’d have something to say…something to rant about…after a week of nothing notable being posted, surely I’d have some storehouse full of interesting thoughts or ideas…surely something would have happened in a week that I could share with you…but I’m at a loss. I’ve been too busy with work and life to have time […]
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Tags: home, ideas, rant, thoughts, Work
I called off sick yesterday. Ended up spending a lot of the time on the phone with family drama. I’ll end there. Deirdre’s in tulsa, OK visiting a friend while she has a few days off between her play, Alice sit by the Fire. So i’ve been home alone with the 3 legged cat. I’m […]
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Tags: Deirdre, family, home, Jordan, music, play, sound equipment, tulsa, Work
yeah, just a quick personal update…I like babies. Well, at least 1 of 2 that i’ve come in contact with. That is all for today.
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Wow, I’m down. wasting away. malnourished. lethargic. tired. bored. unmotivated. lost. a perfect time for a personal update entry… work is slow. money is slim. someone is breaking into the estate and stealing copper and other crap. rachel went back to cleveland. no inspiration to play or write music. no real aspirations to do anything […]
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Tags: cleveland, Deirdre, internet radio show, money, music, people, play, school, Work
Comments: 2, 3,002 views