Got back from Italy late saturday night, and it’s been a lot of reality hitting me in the face ever since. before I list everything, Italy was great. The vatican is the most amazing place i’ve ever been. Pictures will be uploaded soon. so here’s what’s hit me since i’ve been home: 2 summer classes […]
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Tags: home, house, Italy, money, Work
Truck got hit. I was in the right lane, doing about 35mph, someone in the left lane wanted to exit, but the problem was, they had to get through me to get to that exit. The scraped and dented my whole left side. And then took off. MOTHER EFFER. This was about 2:30 am saturday […]
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Tags: cinco de mayo, Luke Ravenstaul, Mayor, pittsburgh
Wee! So, Trip is all set now. Leaving pittsburgh may 16th headed for a quick stop in new york then over to rome. Then, first class to london on wednesday may 23rd. Back to rome on the 25th, then back to the states on saturday, the 26th. Work is paying for my room & board […]
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Tags: Carnegie museum, dallas, Deirdre, family, farmer, hill district, Katrina New Orleans, Keren, London, Luke Ravenstaul, Mayor, new york, people, pittsburgh, Propel Pittsburgh Commission, rome, Work
April fool’s came and went yesterday. I didn’t do a single joke or prank. eh, next year. Rachel and I went to DC to hang out with Serah and Mike. Had a great time. We saw Mount Vernon saturday, then spent some time at the Mall for the cherry blossom festival, then just chilled out […]
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Tags: home, Italy, London, Mike, mom, money, Mount Vernon, rubber, serah, Work,
Mom reserved a castle (more like a villa) for the Italy trip. We have the Madonne and Pelligrini suites. They look pretty nice. looks like it will cost me about $500 for the week. Still have to work out when I wan to go to london, but the flight to rome leaves wednesda may […]
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Tags: friends, hill district, house, Keren, mom, pittsburgh, Post-Gazette, St. patrick's day, Work
off the boot and back to 90% normal. Still can feel the ankle being a little weak, but i like to push it. Probably try and run a little later in the week. Not working out for the past 2 months is not good! Ticket bought for italy with the family. I’m flying over wed […]
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Tags: blah, chicago, Deirdre, family, friends, home, Italy, London, Mame, mom, money, Morgantown, paris, philly, school
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