well, got my cast off. I got this big ‘ol boot now though. It’s actually pretty nice though. It has a rounded bottom and lots of straps and it distributes weight load from my foot to my shin and lower leg. The doc said i should still stay off it and use crutches for another […]
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Tags: chicago, geek, Jordan, manager, people, United Kingdom, Work
so, no cast yet. I went to the Dr’s thursday and since my foot was still swollen she couldn’t put a cast on me. I have an appt to go back in tomorrow for the cast. She says i’ll probably have it on for 4 weeks, then wear a boot for 2 while having to […]
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Tags: Deirdre, house, Jordan, Keren, pittsburgh, Work
Comments: 10, 3,320 views
GAD! I’m broken. Andrew Bonnell emailed me friday and asked if i’d play basketball for his church league on saturday, and i was excited to accept. I haven’t played for so long, but i was making shots in warm up, i started, made a few points, some good plays, but i wasn’t “in the zone” […]
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Tags: basketball, church, funny, house, PHP, play, school, Work
Comments: 6, 2,967 views
got the call from walmart saturday and so i went and picked up my 2 60gb playstations. probably post them on ebay this thursday, just in time for some last minute christmas rushers. I’m slacking on the 1 online class i have…the crappy thing is, not a single grade has been posted, so i have […]
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Tags: Christmas, family, Italy, Keren, online class, sleep, Work
so thanksgiving come and gone, since i had to work (not a UK holiday) i drove home for dinner quickly and had to head off to work shortly after. They were slow nights, so i didnt mind. Friday, another first for 2006, I got sick as a result of drinking WAY too much. After all […]
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Tags: Deirdre, home, Mike, school, Work