From news release: "The Bank of New York Mellon has announced that it will contribute $3 million over a six-year period to Pittsburgh’s Hill District community through Pennsylvania’s Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP). The program will focus on education, job training and community revitalization for residents of the Hill District, which is near the company’s downtown […]
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Tags: BNY Mellon, Carl Redwood, Centre Avenue, Chairman, Chairman of Pennsylvania, David Morehouse, Evan Frazier, hill district, Hill House Association, house, Luke Ravenstahl, Mayor, money, new york, NPP program administrator, One Hill Coalition, Pennsylvania, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh campus, Pittsburgh Penguins, president, president and CEO, social services, The Bank of New York Mellon, Vince Sands, Work
Over the summer, I was on the North Shore looking at Mt. Washington and I thought it’d be great to have a building that stretches from the top all the way down to carson street. You could still put plants and stuff on the roof, but it’d be great to have another way to connect […]
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Tags: Edge Restaurant, Mt. Washington, pittsburgh, PNC park, Station Square, washington
Did you know that there is a wooden street in pittsburgh? Roslyn Place in Shadyside is the only one. It’s hard to tell from the google street view, but you can certainly see the color. Here‘s an article on the history, or really, lack of historical knowledge. It’s a historic landmark though, so it will […]
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Tags: brick chip, mining, pittsburgh
Save-a-lot was seeming to become a great addition to the Hill District community along Centre Avenue, but now we’ve got a horse of a different color on the block, and I like it. Kuhn’s, a homegrown local grocery store, is part of a "Centre City Square" plan developed by a bunch of groups like Crawford Square […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, Crawford square, family, Family Dollar, hill district, house
The Pittsburgh housing authority has approved a sale of land to Pitt for new athletic facilities. The property is right next to the Oak Hill apartments. The land left over will be sold to Beacon developers to more than double the number of housing units of Oak Hill. This is great stuff for 2 reasons. […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, hill district, Oak Hill, Oakland, pittsburgh
Surprise, Surprise, Don Barden doesn’t have the money to finish the casino as planned, so he’s sold off 75% ownership to some dude in Chicago. That means that the Majestic Star will most likely be called something else. There’s all kind of hooting and hollering going on, some saying that it’s a bait and switch, […]
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Tags: blah, chicago, Don Barden, money, Neil Bluhm, steel structure blotter, Surprise