Pittsburgh got a nice little write-up in the New York Times. They got pretty nitty-gritty too, when i saw the mattress factory, I knew we we’re dealing with the average tourist here. Looks like someone stopped to appreciate the underground and artsy side of the burgh without getting caught up in mass-consumer tourism guides. This […]
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Tags: new york, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Times, the New York Times, travel
Next time you’re with a friend on top of Mount Washington looking down at the fountain at point state park, ask them how many rivers there are. If they’re completely clueless of pittsburgh’s history, I could see someone saying just 2, assuming that either the mon or the allegheny river just flow into the other. […]
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Tags: code, Mount Washington, pittsburgh, washington
Thanks to Seth from the Empty Netters blog and hope you enjoy the picture!
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Tags: hope, Post-Gazette
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Just threw this together in MS Paint. also available in AIM icon. Philthadelphia has been unable to win any major sporting championship in over 24 years. Check out http://phillysucks.com
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Tags: MS
What the heck is up with Don Barden? This guy is probably the worst business man I’ve ever read stories about. He didn’t want to play ball with the penguins when he first got the license, then he didn’t want to play ball with the steelers and pirates, then he didnt want to play ball […]
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Tags: Don Barden, friends, hill district, pittsburgh, play, worst business man
Throughout my years of living in the Hill District, I’ve noticed a few cultural trends on pedestrian behavior. One is just to stand around on the corners of Centre Avenue with nothing to do but watch people drive by or make obvious glances at women as they walk by. This happens 24 hours a day, […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, driver, hill district, people