Do not unfriend people on facebook. It’s true, and if you haven’t had it verified for you yet, just give it time. You’re either going to run into that person in real life and it’s going to be awkward for at least one of you They’re going to realize and do or say something negative […]
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Tags: awkward, block, defriend, delete, Facebook, family, friend, friends, interaction, like, people, respect, social, unfried
Comments: 1, 1,856 views
Your intelligence in any given moment has a direct correlation with your ability to access the internet. Related:
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Tags: access, Google, intelligence, internet, interweb, iphone, IQ, mobile, phone, proof, search, web, wikipedia, xkcd
You’re only legit when you have your own wikipedia entry.
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Tags: class, established, fame, famous, importance, legacy, legend, legit, order, proof, recognition, rule, social, wikipedia
If you’ve got a bunch of unrelated people in the To or CC recipient sections, you’re doing it wrong. Unless everyone needs to know of replies immediately, use the BCC. An informational trick here is to just copy and paste who it went to in the body of the email.
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Tags: bcc, bulk, cc, email, emails, ettiquette, mass email, recipient, send, spam
If someone sends you an email with a question, then respond to it. Emails are conversations too. Ignoring it is just like staring at them blankly in the face. for days.
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Tags: email, ettiquette, ignoring emails, no response, reply, response, send, time
if resolution can’t be met over 3 emails, it’s time to escalate to the phone. Don’t forget rules 161 and 162.
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Tags: call, documentation, email, ettiquette, phone, reading, resolution, rule, time, voice, Work
Comments: 1, 1,580 views