Don’t make anyone wait for you. This can be applied to so many things, but it can be summed up as “don’t be the weakest link.” If you’re meeting people, make it clear that you’re going to be late, or make sure they’re not depending on you to bring something to start.
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Tags: count on, last, late, prompt, reliable, responsible, time, wait, weakest link
Write it down. You’re not that smart to remember everything. Plus, if you get hit by a bus, a lot more is lost than your life.
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Tags: documentation, lists, on paper, save it for later, thoughts, write it down
Get it in writing. Otherwise, It’s your fault if they don’t follow through.
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Tags: accountability, commit, documentation, follow through, proof, writing
your key chain should be smaller than your open hand. Meaning, if you can’t hold your key chain in your hand because you have too many stuffed animals, gizmos, pictures, cell phones, keys, toys, mirrors, shiny things on it, you have a problem.
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Tags: crap you don't need, dangerous, distraction, efficient, gadget, gizmo, hand, key, key chain, keychain, keys, phone, simple, stuff
lanyards go around your neck, ie: they’re not to hang out of your pocket.
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Tags: fashion, goofy, keychain, keys, lanyard, necklace, pocket, string
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You can do anything. It’s sounds cliche, but it’s true. You define what you perceive as your limitations. It’s also important to not that just because you can do anything, doesn’t mean you’d enjoy it, or that it would come as easy as it does for others.
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Tags: demotivation, desire, hope, i could be amazing, just do it, limitation, motivation, power, self, struggle, will