Nothing is just black or white. This is a very broad statement to cover many topics and objects. The point is there is always an exception or a gray area. It’s always relative to who is perceiving it.
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Tags: black or white, perception, read all over, rule, rules, sides of a coin, social order
It is never acceptable to eat food from the grocery store until you’ve paid for it. It’s theft. That’s not really the reason for the rule, it’s more of logic and law for those of you who find no problem with it in the first place. You know who are. IT’S WRONG.
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Tags: eating, grocery, stealing, store, theft
Comments: 4, 1,407 views
Organized dancing has an expiration date. Ballroom and other styles of dancing are perfectly acceptable, what I’m talking about is doing dance recitals and creating a routine to a song. Here’s a graphical aid.
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Tags: awkward, creepy, dance, dances, dancing, grow up, leotards, organized, routine, song, stage, weird
The Driver is the authority on music. He or she may delegate to passengers at their will.
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Tags: car, drive, music, road trip, rules
The only time it’s acceptable to wear a band’s t-shirt to the same band’s concert is if you’re in the band.
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Tags: ac/dc, apparel, band, bands, blink 182, concert, concerts, pearl jam, tshirts, winger
Comments: 1, 1,572 views
#19 goes both ways. If you’re not asking people for help, then who is your family?
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Tags: family, help, humility, people, pride, relationships