Nurses are crazy. This rule is more accurately a postulate, because it’s based on me never meeting a sane nurse. Let the record show this rule had been established and verbalized around the year 2001. Note: Rule 9 is important to keep in mind when referencing Rule 36.
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Tags: crazy, insane, nurses, sane nurse
Unless you’re standing in isolation on top of a mountain somewhere, it is never acceptable to urinate with your hands on your hip with your elbows out. Not only do you look silly, but that’s just asking for an accident. CONTROL YOUR FLOW.
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Tags: awkward, bathroom, behavior, hands-free, rules, urinal, urination
Never date your friend’s sister.
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Tags: betrayal, dating, friend, rule, sister
Political opinions are like butt holes; Everyone has one and they all stink. To extend the analogy, they should not be revealed in public places. To extend it even further, possibly into metaphor, If you are so emotional about your political opinion and it’s all you really think about, perhaps your head is a little […]
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Tags: annoying, opinions, politics, polydicks, polytricks, rant, soap box
Drop-D is bifurcated by amateur and awesomeness. It’s a hard but necessary division.
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Tags: bar chords, drop-d, greenday, guitar, Rage Against The Machine, strings
If you’re annoying people, you’re an annoying person. Trying to explain how you’re not annoying is actually counter-productive. Doing more annoying things despite knowing you’re annoying will be grounds for being ignored. Note: Definitions of “being ignored” may vary in practice. It may result in you actually being shot or another method of being murdered.
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Tags: annoying, ignore, people
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