Hall’s Rules of Social Order #13 |
Girls have a right to dance. If you’re smart, you’ll never try to deny them that right. Eventually, they find someone who will dance with them.
Click here to see the full textHall’s Rules of Social Order #13 |
Girls have a right to dance. If you’re smart, you’ll never try to deny them that right. Eventually, they find someone who will dance with them.
Click here to see the full textHall’s Rule of Social Order #84 and #85 |
#84 – Life is defined by maintenance. All you do in life is try to maintain it. You eat for energy to do it again. you sleep to do it again. You work to pay for it again. You do more or something new to make you happy…again. Life becomes a huge cycle of maintenance. […]
Click here to see the full textHall’s Rule of Social Order #32 |
Elevator rides are not social catalysts and therefor should not be used as social opportunities. There are social norms to follow and you should make sure you’re prepared. These are from “The Definitive book of body language” by Allan and Barbara Pease: There will be no talking to anyone, including a person you know. Avoid […]
Click here to see the full textHall’s Rule of Social Order #215 |
The English language is stupid. It’s ludicrous. Rules, then exceptions to those rules. Logic, then words that defy that logic. We’ve have this stupid language for centuries, and we just continue with the madness. There is no end in sight. Sometimes, I wonder if the AOLers and shorthand IMers are pure evil or truly revolutionary […]
Click here to see the full textHall’s Rule of Social Order #214 |
Words are stupid. Whatever happened to “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me”? Words are really tools of destruction by nature, even though they can be used to come off as temporary good, but if those words aren’t maintained, it’s really just a form of prolonged destruction. Only once […]
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