There are only 3 requirements for a successful event or party: Something to eat Something to do A place to go to the bathroom As soon as one of those is not present, the event will end.
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Tags: bathroom, dance, drink, eat, entertainment, event, food, listen, music, party, people, planner, planning, watch
Walking is not exercise. It’s just necessary. By dedicating an hour to walk, you’re just dedicating time to do more than necessary. Walking is like breathing or eating in that it’s a basic life function, and if you’re having to practice walking, you’re in bad shape. I can totally agree with people that find […]
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Tags: exercise, health, heart, run, walk, walking, work out
Modeling isn’t a career. Neither is DJ’ing. I’m sure you can think of a bunch of others that fall into this category. By definition, “career” means “an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed by one’s life work.” There’s a reason for the existence of the expression “don’t quit your day job.” Ultimately, […]
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Tags: band, career, DJ, dream, job, mature, model, musician, normal, party, play, responsibility, society, success, waiter, waitress, Work
Never fully trust a realtor. Despite what they say, they’re probably not thinking with your desires 100% in their minds. As a general rule of thumb, you should always know and question people’s intentions. if they have no incentive to help you, they probably aren’t. realtors make money from you. They have a little motivation […]
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Tags: agent, business, buyer, for sale, foreclosure, home, house, money, profit, real estate, realestate, realtor, realty, sale, seller, trust
We are all just a little bit racist. Here’s a video from Tony Award winning cast of Avenue Q to help –
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Tags: avenue, avenue q, color, ethnic, judge, musical, people, predujice, q, race, racist, skin
Build your identity on what you do, not what others do. Mind your own business don’t worry about celebs dating lives or the big movies they’re in. We’re supposed to get excited about Emmy awards? Aren’t their salaries enough of an award? Aren’t the endorsement deals, the free meals, or the fame enough for them? […]
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Tags: award, awards, business, celeb, celebrity, circus, designer, emmy, Entertainment tonight, famous, gossip, identity, movies, outfits, red carpet, rumor, store, street, tmz