24 February, 2010 (14:14) | Top 10 |
The internet is a place of free information by people just like you and me. Sure, the quality of that information varies greatly, but it’s still information. As they say, Human knowledge belongs to the world! So here are the top 100 documentary movies free to watch online. There are some real gems in there. […]
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Tags: free, independant, knowledge, movies, people, power, science
1 February, 2010 (12:38) | Top 10 |
For some reason, CNN only posted 9 rip-offs, so we have to come up with the 10th on our own… http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2010/news/1001/gallery.americas_biggest_ripoffs/index.html
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Tags: America, CNN, money, ripoff
4 November, 2009 (23:58) | Top 10 |
This isn’t a How-To jailbreak your iphone. It’s just some top reasons to jailbreak your iphone, based on my personal experience. There are a lot of jailbr0ken apps that are used far more than any that I will list, but they’re the reasons why I’m jailbroken. Right now I’m on 3.1.2 on my iphone 3G. Version […]
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Tags: 3G, a lot of tools, Apple iPhone 3G Smartphone, AT&T, create, friends, home, iphone, people, Secure Shell, SMS, wtf
10 June, 2009 (16:58) | Top 10 |
Reposted from my friend, Neil: *Top ten things Pittsburghers should do to celebrate if the Pens win the Stanley Cup* 10. Flip over Mellon Arena’s dome and put it on top of PPG Place to make the biggest, shiniest Stanley Cup ever 9. Load people dressed in penguin costumes into Giant Eagle shopping carts and […]
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Tags: Australia, dad, house, Mellon Arena, mom, Neil, people, Sidney Crosby, Stanley Cup, Stanley Cups
7 January, 2009 (10:39) | Top 10 |
A list of 100 things from BBC from news articles last year that exposed interesting facts. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/magazinemonitor/2009/01/100_things_we_didnt_know_last.shtml Some highlights: 4. Etiquette dictates that at dinner parties, a man should always talk to the woman on his left during the first course, and right during the main course. More details 21. Short men are more likely […]
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Tags: BBC, Greece, home, Mount Athos, song
Comments: 2, 2,538 views
31 October, 2008 (16:00) | Top 10 |
From Time Magazine: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/0,28757,1852747,00.html My favorites: #6 – the svalbard global seed vault: total awesomeness. EVERY plant seed in the world is kept here. "just in case" I LOVE IT. http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1852747_1854195_1854118,00.html #16 – The moving tower scuplture thingy: It just further enhances my amazement…ok, LUST to go see Dubai. http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1852747_1854195_1854134,00.html #24 – bionic contact lenses: […]
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Tags: Dubai, html, love
Comments: 2, 2,710 views