31 August, 2009 (19:06) | Music |
Reed wrote and recorded this song for me and my fiance, Kallie. As many of you know, Kallie and I met online, and I lived with my sister and a 3 legged cat named Hal when I met her, and she is severely allergic to cats. I hosted an open mic for my bachelor party, […]
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Tags: Kallie, music, Reed Verdesoto, song
16 July, 2009 (13:50) | Music |
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think! Repost as "my life according to (band name)" Pick your Artist: Soul Coughing Are you a male or female: Monster Man Describe yourself: Mr. Bitterness How do you feel: I […]
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Tags: ARTIST, Bitterness, dreams, friends, Moon Sammy, song, transportation
5 September, 2008 (17:27) | Music |
Rage against the machine did Bulls on Parade without any instruments during the Replican National Convention after cops took over their stage and PA.
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Tags: Bulls on Parade, movie, Pennsylvania
19 July, 2008 (09:00) | Music |
I woke up today and this song was in my head. I have never had this song in mp3, and I have no idea when the last time I ever heard it. I can’t even say that I think it’s a great song. But it was repeating in my head. Roxette – Listen to your […]
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Tags: movie, song
12 July, 2008 (18:21) | Music |
Elefant – Now That I Miss Her.
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20 March, 2008 (23:22) | Music |
This has always been my favorite hymnal. It’s emotional, it tells a story, it’s literal, and it’s simple. I didn’t even know Johnny Cash did a version of it. I’m in love with it now. Were you there when they crucified my Lord Oh were you there when they crucified my Lord (Oooh sometimes it […]
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Tags: Johnny Cash, love