LEGO© Creations

Pittsburgh Steelers Logo in LEGO bricks

7 June, 2013 (21:38) | LEGO© Creations

The same person that wanted the Pittsburgh Penguins logo asked if I had anything for the pirates or the steelers. I mentioned the pirates mosaic and the steelers helmet in lego, but he wanted it in less than a week, and I wouldn’t be able to recreate either in that time. We settled for a simple Steeler’s logo at the same scale of the Penguins logo. I think it turned out well. The curved brick really matches the original font well, I think. Still looking at about 1,000 pieces. I didn’t take a picture of it, but I took the time to make sure the back is solid white with the gray border. It looks very sharp with all the SNOT and diamonds not showing from the back.

Pittsburgh Steelers logo in lego