![]() | Cardigans have been back together! |
Just found out that the cardigans reformed, a couple years ago! They didnt stay broken up for long, but apparently nothing they have done has come across the pond, atleast not much. I’m stoked. www.cardigans.com
![]() | Cardigans have been back together! |
Just found out that the cardigans reformed, a couple years ago! They didnt stay broken up for long, but apparently nothing they have done has come across the pond, atleast not much. I’m stoked. www.cardigans.com
| Augustus’ reign ends |
Nearing the end of august, and i’ve got a lot on my plate. Big surprise there. Majorly back-logged with code work needed in the dragon game. It certainly isn’t a burden though. I find the game extremely rewarding. Having som many interesting people, from all over the world playing, seeing how they all interact, being able to interact with them, as if in my own backyard, it’s just cool. I like being able to give people something they can enjoy. I’ve been playing around with advertising for the game a bit too. ran a week add on fazed.net and now I have been running google adwords for the past week. It’s pretty neat being able to see the statistics of clicks and impressions that are being returned to my site.
apart from the game, I have tons of stuff to sell on ebay and the like. I have to list my dad’s winnebago, his 12 passenger van, and i think we are going to try and sell the big tractor too. My mom has been trying to clean out her basement, and i have a whole bunch of her technical books to throw on half.com, since she is a teacher, these companies send her books to try to get her to use them for her classes, and she gets to keep them even if she doesn’t use them. some of these books have gone for $80 on half. I also have a few monitors and mac crap there that i should throw up on ebay for pick up only.
school also starts this sunday. I have 1 statistics class online until end of october, 1 communication class on tuesday nights starting end of october, and 1 computer class on monday nights running the whole semester. So once that all starts back up, I know i am going to be shoulder high in crap.
Keren and Deirdre came over the other day, apparently Chris is buying them a cheap car since Keren has decided to stay at home and go to Penn State Fayette instead of going down to Maryland for school. When i got back from work, we went and played some tennis. when we got back, they hadn’t seen the house that i’ve been looking at for the past…what…six months now? so we took a walk over there, and there was a piece of paper posted on the garage door. It was from the bank, and had all this legal mumbo jumbo crap like herein in, without, sherrif, notice, hereby, this day, blah blah blah, but it started with “on this 25th day of july” so it’s been there for almost a month, and my impression is that it is some kind of final notice to give them some money. I figure there is probably some set date from the posting of that notice where they start listing the house. I think it could quite easily be 1 month, which just so happens to be today. So i am keeping my eye on the website they are supposed to list the foreclosure on. My lease is up at the end of this month, and i havent done anything about it yet. They are increasing monthly rent too. Last year they did it too though, and I kept paying the lower rate, without signing a lease until sometime november. So i think i have a little bit of some play. It’s $100 extra to do a month to month lease, so i want to stay away from that.
on top of that, Fable, the video game, is coming out for PC september 20th. I’ve played it at Dan’s for xbox, and totally fell in love with it. I fear that it will consume any minute that i can give it, but I also think it will bring me great joy. I don’t consider myself a gamer in the least bit, but when i find a game that i like, i am die-hard about it. So i am looking forward to it, but also not looking forward to the possible damages it could do to my productive life.
as i write this, I am realizing that I really need to do another main site update too. maybe get some more themes in place, make it all a little smoother. that is going to take a lot of time too. Time that i just don’t have. What ever happenned to that 28 hour day movement?
![]() | money for nothing and your dreams for free |
“Did you ever have a job that you hated and worked real hard at? A long, hard day of work. Finally you get to go home, get in bed, close your eyes and immediately you wake up and realize… that the whole day at work had been a dream. It’s bad enough that you sell your waking life for minimum wage, but now they get your dreams for free.”
![]() | dream content |
with last night’s dream of my dad and the reoccurence of such dreams, along with a few recent dreams taking place at work, I’m thinking about what the unleashed and undirtied mind dreams about. Meaning, these are things that are in my life, about things that are happenning right now. I almost grow frustrated that they are replacing the real dreams of fantasy or just plain unexplained nonsense that I think play back-up. If someone had no life altering or stresful things occupying their minds, what do their unbridled dreams hold? Am I wrong to assume that dreams like this are an undesired effect? perhaps bringing the reality of our lives into our dreams has benefits. I’m not sure, but I’ve always wanted to run experiments with new borns, have them isolated, and see what they dream about, see if they have visions of the real world, see what languages develop, I would like to see human beings robbed of their ancestory knowledge and dogma and see what they come up with on their own. I want to see the objective point of view when they get to analyze our societies. I would love to have a conversation with the guy that went into a coma a few months after impregnating his wife, and waking up 30 years later to a whole new world. The shock, horror, surprise, and unknown of it all, I find, truly puzzling.
![]() | special dad |
I’ve been having a lot of dreams about my dad, only recently, he has been pretty much mentally retarded. Now, my first instinct to that would be to laugh, but having done the research and being as interested in dreams and their relation to the real world as I am, I am perplexed as to the source of this alteration.
A few weeks ago, I had a dream I was at my dad’s house and I was walking up to my dad, who was seemingly doing metal work right infront of the barn. He had welded 3 sets of large chains between two 3 feet posts, painted white, and it gave me the impression it was a section of a fence for along the road. He held it up in his hands to show me, with a big smile on his face; proud of his work. I was asking him where he learned to weld like this, and who told him to make this fence. I had in my mind that he had been seeing a doctor for his mental slowness, and wondered if the doctor had done something to encourage this. J’aime was around, and I asked her if she knew why he was doing this. He seems like a big oaf, almost like Michael Clarke Duncan in The Green Mile, and he was just standing there looking at me, wondering why i was so frustrated with what he was doing.
In last night’s dream, my sisters and I were at my mother’s house and so was my dad, as if it was really his house. My mom was at Karen Watson(a friend of my mom’s)’s house for some reason (we later went there, and it was a house I have never seen before, but i understood it as her house). My dad was not talking again, and was again showing signs of mental retardation. We were all in the living room, and he pulled out a 6 inch knife, and just starts making slow, short stabbing motions in front of himself. We all scold him, tell him knives are dangerous and take them off him. He is rocking his torso back and forth, and just becomng uncontrollable. We put him in Deirdre’s room and shut the door on him and I try to call my mom and see what we should do. While he is in there, he comes across another knife, and starts up again with the swinging motions. He never really aims for anyone, or really making the full motion enough to stab anyone, just keeping the blade in his right hand, never coming higher than his chest and never lower than his waist. The girls were having a hard time getting the knife off of him, so i got off the phone with my mom and helped them. we got the knife off him, and told him again that he could hurt himself, but he was never saying any word, and not really acknowledging that he understood. I went into the living room and picked up the phone, and I didn’t get a dialtone. It automatically went to this female attorney’s voicemail or answering machine. She said that you for calling
The next thing i remember was going to a mall with serah, and stopping in an antique store, and i guess we had given them some of my dad’s stuff that we were thought we could get rid of. There was a 8 inch collector’s looking baseball bat, with “H Hall” written on the bottom. There was also this weird toy clock tower/school looking thing that i recognized as a childhood toy and that J’aime had been looking for it. There were a few other things there that had his first initial and last name on them, and they were all for sale. I think we were planning on buying them back from the store.
![]() | gallery and oldsite |
Sorry about the gallery, looks like uploads weren’t working since the move to the new server. Should be all good now. Please feel free to upload once again!
also, i was looking through files on my pc and found my old website, the first personal site i had up. DEAR GAWD IS IT TERRIBLE. ORANGE?!!? anyway, for your viewing displeaure, The original sixf00t4.ath.cx. (btw, it only works in IE. SWEET SASSY!!)