![]() | Friends |
“Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends”
![]() | Friends |
“Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends”
| August…8 down, 4 to go. |
ok, so i am back from canada, but i haven’t uploaded pics yet because i am waiting to get Keren’s from her. I’ll make a note when i get them up. Other than that, it was great. I did absolutely nothing. hung out on the island, read some books, played some guitar, hung out with the sisters, and slept. I was definitely ready to come home though.
Last friday, I threw an xbox party, cuz i had nothing better to do. organized it all during the week last week, got 2 Tvs from my moms, talked to a few people to bring there xboxes, since i don’t even have one, and it all went pretty well. 7 people total, played for about 5 hours. could have done with more people/xboxes and played for longer, but i think everyone had a good time. My underlying goal is to get people accustomed to the idea, then throw a LAN party. I love LAN parties.
still no word on the house. the friday before i left, I got an email from northwood saying that they noticed they didnt get a house for me, wanted to know if i was still in the market, etc. just a courtesy email. So i said that i was still in the market, for the same house that i had contacted them about, but had a terrible experience with the realtor, and asked if i should complain to them about it. they replied and said if i had an issue with an agent, to let them know. so then i wrote the whole schpeal about how lame the realtor was, told them i was going on vacation for a week, and left them my number. I then went to see Tommy, The Who musical, with my cousin adam, and they had called me while i was there. I decided i would just call them when i got back from canadia. I called them when i got back sunday, and the lady told me that she would see if she could get in contact with the lawyer who handled the estate (it was a lady that died, and the family couldnt afford to keep it, and they didnt pay the gas bill, so there was no heat, and that is why the pipes burst). That was the 31st, and i haven’t heard a word back from her since. le sigh. I should probably give her a call back. my lease is up this month though, so i need to figure out what the crap i am doing, renewing for a year, month to month, or just ride it out as long as i can without a lease so i can go into the house. 🙁
Keren’s birthday is today! I am picking her up from the airport this saturday. she’s been in michigan all summer at spring hill camps as staff. she is only going to be home for a week or two before she moves down to maryland with serah into a new place. Serah sent me the floor plan, looks $$$. should have room for me to go down and crash on the weekends though 😎
other than some other personal drama, nothing new going on here. just riding the wave. school starts back up the 29th, taking 3 classes. This summer classes came with an A and a C in that stupid public speaking class. I even had 2 incompletes in that class. if she wasn’t such a —–, i could have gotten atleast a b. but oh well, as long as i get a C, mellon gives me full reimbursment, so rock on.
![]() | when you sleep |
when i woke up today, I couldn’t get Cake – When you sleep out of my head. I can’t even remember the last time I heard that song.
![]() | Song of the day |
So when I wake up, I usually have a song playing in my head. It’s so weird. It’s been going on for a very long time. Some songs more than ever, but mostly always such an obscure song, and such a weird thing to be thinking about. So, i am going to start posting them.
I went to bed at 4pm today, woke up at 10:30, which is actually pretty darn good for a week day, but i woke up with the graduation song stuck in my head. not that vitamin C song, but the actual Elgar -pomp and circumstance. so strange.
![]() | when you’re wrong, you’re wrong. |
“Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”
| oh, Canada. |
it’s 5 am, and i am just going to bed. Got a lot to do today. clean the apartment, eye doctor’s, going to a Who – Tommy broadway thing with adam, and i gotta pack for yankanuck. leaving 6am saturday and going up to canada for a week. should be lots of fun. i am taking american psycho, disturbing the peace, hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, diary, davinci code, and the interpretation of dreams to read. might stop by the store and pick up charlie and the chocolate factory if i think about it. I’ve started all these books, just never finished them. most people go up to the island to fish, but i am not big into that, so i am just going to get away from technology for a bit and read and play my guitar and hang out with my sisters. I am so stoked. havent seen keren all summer since she has been in michigan. rock on!