Thoughts & Ideas

global connections web site

23 January, 2005 (00:33) | Thoughts & Ideas

so we have and, but i think that the government should fund a centralized database for all that, and everything in between. like i would go in and put in where i went to school, church, where i lived, people’s names that i remember from all those places, etc. and if enough people did this, i am sure there would be lots of crossed paths. maybe someone i went to kindergarten with lives right down the street from me. you could add events to it too, everyone in attendance at the olympics or superbowl, and you could trace any relations you have to anyone, or how many times you crossed paths with someone. maybe a better name for the site would be called it’ it could be a historical reference for buildings, family trees, finding lost friends, or even tracking down people that owe you money. you could search the people database for friends, relatives, neighbors, classmates, etc. just a huge database of everyone, everywhere, everytime, every place, and everything. i like it.

Thoughts & Ideas

sex changes and being gay

23 January, 2005 (00:27) | Thoughts & Ideas

if a girl was in love with a guy, and she got a sex change, and they ended up dating, would they be a gay couple?

same thing with a guy getting a sex change and dating a woman, lesbians?

what about a gay couple, one gets a sex change, can they then get married legally in most states?

and why are gay females called lesbians but gay men are just called gay? i feel like we need a new term. why do women get a new word?


The third floor

16 January, 2005 (16:31) | Dreams

I used to have a dreams section in the forums, but i got rid of it. so welcome the first story of my dreams topics.

Had a dream last night, that was really like me watching a movie. it was called the third floor. it starred kevin costner. it started out with these 5 second clips of college scenes with classical music as the only sound. some of the clips were like a graduation, some frat guys fighting, just people walking, it was just like the openning segment when you would see credits and stuff run. anyway, the last one was of this college kid laying on his back taking a nap in the grass. the camera was right above him, and continued to let him drop out of the picture as it moved slowly past his head. I believed kevin costner to be that boy, and that we were following his dream. then kevin costner does the voice over. there is this maybe 50 square yard green grass area, and right in the middle is this white house. Kevin runs to the house, in the french doors on the side, out the door on the next side. lots of big windows on the first floor The house isn’t that big, maybe 20×40 feet. it has nice hardwood floors. There are no dividing walls, just wide open space, no basement, just a staircase in the far end. he says that he loves this house because of how open it is, just like the old country houses used to be, they let people come in and out as they please. (continued). so he’s very exited about the house, he walks to the other end of the house, and he starts going up the hard wood staircase to the second floor. there’s a bedroom here, no door from the stairs, just an open landing with a wide door frame.. then he starts continuing around the stair case to make is way up to the third floor. the star case has about 10 stairs per flight. from the 1st floor, it goes up 1 flight, big landing and the bedroom, another flight off that, just a small square landing, then about 3 or 4 steps to the left, another small landing, and another 10 steps to the 3rd floor. From that landing, you can see that the entry is just like the 2nd story bedroom, but you can’t see into the room. he gets to the second small landing, and as soon as he starts to make his way on the last flight, the house begins to shake. the ground trembles, and he starts to back off. he goes back to the 1st small landing and it stops. he’s petrified. he tries to go back up, and he just hears the ground rumbling. the movie goes on with him having people over, and not letting anyone go up to the third floor. there are no windows to the outside from the 2nd or 3rd floors. the next part i remember, it was raining and dark outside, and he is angry, he gets a large triangle forming metal ladder and sits it right in the middle of the staircase. as he climbs up it, he can start to see a large bed, with white sheets in the third story room. as he gets to the top, he sees someone is sleeping in it. the next part if pretty freaky because all this screaming is going on and it’s just really intense somehow, and he grabs the blanket and screams “wake up!” as he pulls it away and reveals a young girl with long black hair sleeping in pajamas. Then, i wake up.

Personal Update

productivity loss

16 January, 2005 (06:06) | Personal Update

bleh, working the weekend shift can get tiresome. just an hour left to go though. so since last i posted, not too much new has gone on i think. did a lot of site work on this main site and in the dragon games. put up the arcade with all kinds of retro games we all love. I’ll add tons more games as i get to it. Updated the version of phpnuke with lots of security features to stop those crazy Brazilians. some other crap too. As far as the dragon game goes, i am trying to get some of my code included into the core distribution. I have to contact aol, msn, and yahoo for permission to use their images though, and that is turning out to be a hassle. Thinking about just coming up with another idea to try to get into the distro. I’ve already got my name on source forge with the globetrotter module, but i’d really be happy to be part of the distro, since i spend so much of my time working on it anyway. It would be a good accomplishment.

I set up a Hosting module here too. those packages that are listed are just guidelines. I will match anything you can find anywhere else, even beat it. I just want some business. PLEASE PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU! LET ME HOST YOU! just email me or use the hosting form.

well, that’s all the geekery. As for what’s really going on in Josh’s head, i am not so sure i am ready to spill. still alot going on in my personal life and it’s just a lot to sort through. I’ve got a positive attitude and i have been feeling very motivated as of late. i’m trying to find <—continued—>
a “slam man” to buy on ebay or walmart. it’s the punching buy that lights up where you are supposed to hit him. I hear boxing is one of the best ways to get in shaped muscle wise and shape wise. plus it should be fun. keep your eyes out for me.

I also signed back up for a class this semester. organizational communication, meets 4 Saturdays during the semester. hopefully i will be able to get through it just fine.

I gave up on the London idea for now. just not the right timing. too much going on, and plus i really like my job now. Can’t really say that too loud, my boss reads this stupid site sometimes. 🙂

Site Update


11 January, 2005 (05:04) | Site Update

I am going to be doing a few updates to the site.  expect many things to be broken.


the number 13

5 January, 2005 (05:56) | Ramblings

what’s up with the number 13?  just because the elevator in most hotels doesn’t have a 13 button, desn’t mean that there isn’t a 13th floor.  Seriously, is that really necessary??  I could see it being a cute little joke in vegas, but when i stay in a sheraton in cleveland, there’s no need to lie about it.

And just on the opposite side, the baker’s dozen.  13.  Why don’t people flip out like they are getting a curse when they get 13 of something?  I just bought hangers at walmart, and they come in packages of 13.  wtf??  i mean, you have to have that as a predetermined mark.  13 is such an odd number, as if 12 hangers wouldn’t be enough.  what the crap.  i want to see the cost analysis report on that one.  “Sir, if we ship out 13 hangers in a package instead of 12, we can save 5 cents per shipment.”