Personal Update

x fest

30 May, 2004 (13:10) | Personal Update

Xfest was a blast and a half.  I think i got some sun, but not nearly as much as adrienne.  She looked like she was in pain at the end of the night.  She rocked out all day, and even faced the front line for Finger Eleven.  Nothing more attractive than a girl that can hold her own.  The weather was brutal though.  It reached 40 some degrees with the windchill, and i was just in shorts and a tshirt.  And i had finger eleven’s set list taped to the inside of my shirt, and everytime the paper touched my nipples, i yelped liked a dog.  that paper was cold.

and we transition right from the great day out with adrienne to sunday.  Saturday was like it never happenned, because i basically slept all day. 

I did get positive feedback from the Academic Consulting position at pitt, but it is just a student job.  I need to talk pay before i say yes to it.

so working noon to midnight today and tomorrow, and then i am done at helpdesk.  tuesday i have a research study where i get an MRI done.  sweet.  $50 for tuesday, 2 hours, and then 6 months later another $50 for a follow up.  I like participating in these studies.  Atleast someone is getting use out of my body.

don’t look at this guy too long. [shudder]

Personal Update

history repeating itself

27 May, 2004 (14:43) | Personal Update

so here i am, same boat that i was in this time last year, on the hunt for a job.  Just 1 interview so far, nothing back from that yet either.  I am sending my resume all over the country, honestly, i am hoping for a move.  I haven’t been happy for a while, and i think that picking up and getting away to start fresh would do me some good.  

I’ve been recording and writing a lot recently.  let me refine some of the stuff before i throw them up here. 

so yeah, i have just been down.  No one calls, no one writes.  I am just sad and alone.  I am living with it though, i am not going to let that disable me.  Gotta find other people that will talk to me if the ones i wish would talk to me now don’t.  I am pretty sure no one i have met in real life even reads this page anymore. 

wish me luck on the job hunting.  here is a video of 3 people in white and 3 people in black passing basketballs. Count how many times the white team passes the ball, post that number here, then watch the video again without counting.

Thoughts & Ideas

a charity event

20 May, 2004 (21:50) | Thoughts & Ideas

i had this idea specifically with maria carey, thinking about her pointless existence, and how she could contribute to society, and this is what i came up with, that can be applied to anyone.

set up a small stage and a table in a big city.  Have someone at the table take donations 24/7 and once they reach the goal of money, like $5,000, a celebrity would come down and do something on the stage.  Like even if mariah carey would sing 2 songs, i think people would do it.  this could be a big tourist attraction.  and you could do a surprise celebrity thing, where you just have to reach the goal, and maybe even celebs will volunteer to come down, and maybe jerry seinfeld would do some stand up, or a band would play, or someone would come sign stuff.  what is 20 minutes out of their days you know? 

Personal Update

curse word.

17 May, 2004 (15:27) | Personal Update

why?  WHY?  WHAT THE CRAP!?!?!  why me?  why the crap?   helpdesk is getting rid of student workers as of june first.  i can’t pay rent.  I cant pay for school.  I can’t do anything.  why does crap happen to me?  people say i focus on the negative, but what the crap else is there in my life?!  what the crap.  I am going to have to sell all my crap. 

Thoughts & Ideas

United States Inc.

15 May, 2004 (13:17) | Thoughts & Ideas

ok, this is something i have been tossing back and forth, and trying to find holes in the idea.  I think the government should have to function as a business.  They should have to work for a profit, and if they fail to succeed, new management needs to step in.  Taxes are already a form of profit for the government, so why should the get the benefits of a business without the work?

Wars and other “ventures” should have to be funded.  Ask for donations, fund raising events involving celebrity supporters, etc.  If the people are not interested in the product, and they don’t want to buy invest in it, then it shouldn’t happen.

I think a lot of the coruption in government arises from taxes, and officials taking funding for granted.  The best way to save money, is stop spending it.

now, no taxes at all would make it far too easy for government to fall, so there should be a small obligatory percentage of your income that goes to funding the maintenance of the government.   (continued)

and while we are on taxes, with addition to my rants about the lack of technological improvements effecting the way taxes are done, i think there should be options in taxes.  I would much rather losing money out of every paycheck and be done with it.  I think an option to pay a monthly fee would help the budgeters of america.  there need to be options with taxes, that would also get rid of the intense load of work the IRS has to deal with every april, just spread it out over time.   I would be fine paying a “government bill” every month, just like the gas and electric.  Heck, that might even be financially beneficial.

but anyways, if the government goes bankrupt, the CEO, or president would be replaced.  And people need to stop being fooled about the superlative president.  the president is a puppet.  There are so many checks and balances that we could easily be without a president for a matter of months.  The president being in place does not effect our day to day operations.  law officials and the FBI (ie enforcement that prevents anarchy) would still be as functional as they always are (har har). 

The (what ever happenned to steve forbes?) flat tax would have to be small enough, that it would not create such a surplus that the government would not need to look for revenue elsewhere.  perhaps the tax could even be dynamic.   maybe we would all pay 5% for a year, and then we end up being in the black, and we only have to pay 2% next time.  Who knows, maybe even we could go without taxes for a month!  (if you were on the monthly tax plan of course 😉


WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 May, 2004 (15:04) | News

Josh –

For Mike Doughty, Pittsburgh, May 18:

We’ll put your name on the guest list. You may bring one guest with you as well; guest list gets you into the show, so you won’t need a separate ticket; you’ll also have backstage access.

Go on backstage to say hi to Mike at 7:30; he’ll give you the email list to take around, and you can chat for a while. At 8:00, half an hour before he goes on stage, please let Mike get ready to play and head on out to the crowd and start signing folks up.

After his set, Mike will come back out and sell CDs; keep signing people up then, and give the list back to Mike at the end of the evening.

Let us know if you have any questions.
