Memorable Quotes

November 16th thought

20 April, 2004 (02:41) | Memorable Quotes

” God never imposes a duty without giving time to do it. “

– November 16th’s thought from here

Personal Update

2b or not 2b?

18 April, 2004 (11:44) | Personal Update

Let’s see…I went out for some ultimate frisbee at 9-11pm on thursday.  had a blast.  Also saw a guy *jump* into a tree, not just run into it.  He was going for a goal, looking over his shoulder at the frisbee, and BAM.   man, that was the funniest thing i have seen in a long time.  I think he ended up getting 4 stitches.  He was a bloody mess, and his face was swollen.  Straight out of america’s funniest videos.  Glad he is alright though.

John Kerry was on campus friday morning.  but get this…Jon Bon Jovi openned for him.  A bon jovi concert, at 9 am none the less.  what the crap.  The rationale behind that one are unfathomable.  So, as you can guess, i slept until 1pm on friday.

Speaking of which, i did the same on Saturday.  Only, 1pm, turned into 1:30 pm.  I woke to the sound of my door buzzer.  J’aime was to pick me up at 1:30 to go to the ballet.  She had called me a 10:30 to let me know that, but i went right back to bed, expecting either her to call when she was close, Emily and Nathan to call to come see the apartment, or a tech call around noon.  Since neither happenned, I let everyone go to the ballet ahead of me, and i walked down later.  Adrienne had seen the show Friday night, and she informed me of an “openning” show, called Seranade.  Crap on that.  I showed up just in time for A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  It did seem to go by very fast, but it was good.  The set was exquisite.

So here i am at work on sunday.  working on stuff for the dragon game.  over 200 players now.  I feel a headache coming on though, a newer version of the game is to be released soon, and many of the mods i have done to this version will not be able to be ported over. 

no cornerstone this week, but a big kickball game on wednesday afternoon.  I havent played kickball since heritage hills.  that should be killer.  other than that, a whole lotta nothing this week.  andy’s this weekend with bob. 

and here is the clip of the X-files spin-off that aired in May 2001, that talks about the government flying a plane into the world trade center and blaming it on a small country.  Alex Jones must be having seizures.


taxes are…well…taxing.

15 April, 2004 (02:34) | Ramblings

seriously.  WTF?  I just don’t get it.  In this day of technology, why aren’t taxes obsolete?  just friggin take the money out of my paychecks and be done with it.  YOU take care of it Mr. Man.  don’t try and make it easier for my with this teletax, or garbage.  because that is what it is, garbage.  I should have to click a button that says “yes, i am alive” or “click here to do your taxes” and that is all.  fin.   none of this “enter your school district’s unique ID number you can find in the back of this 30 page, recycled paper that even homeless people would wipe their own butts with.  who cares????    Why the CRAP is this a necessity.  boggles the mind i tell you.  I am in college, I pay $14,000 a year, and you are telling me I still have to do taxes?  and i have to do them?  And i have to send all that info back to the college????  WHY AM I THE MIDDLE MAN!??!?!  that is all taxes are.  IT isnt like they ask us personal information in our tax forms, like “how do you feel about your job”  or “have you had sex in the past 3 months”  no.  It’s all facts.  numbers even.  all obtainable through either our employers, or some other means.  And don’t pretend that there aren’t any other means.  They can easily get a hold of credit card information.  How about save all the money from printing these $#@@^%$^@$% papers…time out.  why the crap is that a link???  I can’t even psuedo swear without my phrases turning into links anymore.  what is this world coming to. anyway, how about they save all the money from printing costs, mailing and distribution costs, paying the people that man the phones for telefile, and all the “tax helplines” that suck becuase they arent 24-7, They arent operable after 7 pm, which is when most people are doing their taxes.  Some people have jobs you know.  wait, what am i saying, ofcourse you know some people have jobs, IT’S RIGHT STINKING THERE IN OUR TAXES!!!  UGH! people, work with me here.  Why do my employers send me forms?!?!?  another GREAT waste of our natural resources that i like to call plant life.  Lives are being taken for taxes.  the lives of trees.    Trees are especially because they create oxygen for us to breath.  And being able to breath is tax deductable.

Personal Update

shots in the dark

13 April, 2004 (20:14) | Personal Update

Yeah, so, ummm, staying up all night was not exactly the best idea i had last night.  I did do some stuff all night though.  And i wasn’t tired, it wasn’t like i had to force myself to stay up at all.  So i finally made it to my bed at about 5:30 PM.  at 6, I got a call for someone wanting a foot computers appointment for tomorrow.  So i had to call Chris, work out a car situation, and not a minute after i called the person back, I get a call from Jordan Otto, asking if i can come in to practice to play tomorrow.  I guess the other guy didn’t show or something, so i went to practice with a total of 2 half hour sessions of sleep in the past 2 days.  And surprisingly, i feel pretty good. 

Talked to bob alot today.  He’s got a lot of stuff going on in his life.  good and bad.  We are on for next weekend to drew’s still though.

So i got to get to bed.  I have to wake up early to go to the post office, and catch the T into meet Chris for his car.  Then the house call, then cornerstone practice, then cornerstone, then who knows what.  All i know is that Jordan owen is messed up and self destructive with girls.  And that I need a roommate.  I posted all the good links i had in the forum today.  so i guess a link to my cat hates you dot com will have to suffice.

Personal Update

easter or ether.

13 April, 2004 (00:19) | Personal Update

So this weekend was killer.  just not killer enough.  and you can take that either way.

I just don’t get it sometimes.  “It” being how we are are supposed to live.  It all just seems so pointless.  Why do i have to work? why do i have to go to school?  why do i need money?  aren’t we all just prolonging the inevitable?  Are all the tasks and responsibilities we undertake supposed to be important to us?  or make us happy?  I don’t know how people can bumble around their days oblivious to the haunting reality that they mean nothing.  Maybe to themselves, maybe to others around them, but at what point is that not enough?  at what point is it too much to handle?  I wish my mom saved the receipt for my life.  Then atleast i could take it back to the store and exchange it for one with an instruction manual.

So congrats to J’aime and Dan for closing on their new house!!!  hopefully i will be helping them move in this saturday, and i will take lots of pics, if that is alright with them.  I really don’t use my camera enough.  Saturday we are also supposed to go to a midnight summer’s dream down town.  that should be fun.  it would be better if deirdre was going.  oh what’s that?  i have another sister too?  who knew.

And in response to my personal woes of and with the effeminate race, i have found a way to make it easier.  Just read this simple how-to guide.

Memorable Quotes


13 April, 2004 (00:03) | Memorable Quotes

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”

– Mark Twain (1835-1910)