Site Update

movies and weather

9 December, 2003 (00:44) | Site Update

I put up a fairly detailed weather block to the right. let me know what city you are in, and your city code, and i will add it there. I am looking for one that will default to each user’s location, but i haven’t found one yet.

I am working on getting the movie database up. Only registered users will have access to it. It is still under construction, but it is getting there.

Had to change the layout around a little bit, let me know what you think about it. I didn’t think surveys needed to be the first thing people see. Let me know if you have any suggestions or problems!

Personal Update


7 December, 2003 (16:18) | Personal Update

Well to start off, sorry for breaking the site back there 🙂 everything should be operational now. let me know if you have any problems.

Yesterday i was lazy. just bummed around the apartment until Becky called, and then we went out to Red Lobster and to see Cat in the Hat. I was in the mood for sea food, and I just got paid, so i decided to splurge on some lobster and crab…mmmmm.

Cat in the hat wasn’t too bad at all. I enjoyed it. There were some dull and meaningless moments, but it certainly isn’t as bad as the critics are making it out to be. I would recommend it.

Broke a string on my acoustic:( I dunno when i am going to get a new string. but that sure puts a damper on any recording i was going to do with it.

on a seperate note, you can check out my webpage statistics at, it is cool to see what people have searched for on google to find me:)

Christmas is coming fast, What do you want? I have no clue what to get for anybody still. Good luck on finals everyone and see you over break!


i broke the gallery

7 December, 2003 (01:26) | News

Sorry guys, but I broke the gallery earlier while trying to update it. If you could submit your photos again, i would be in your debt.

Site Update

odds and ends

5 December, 2003 (18:05) | Site Update

alrighty, lots of little odds and ends things updated. I added some categories in the forums, and changed the skin there to better match the site.

As far as the layout is concerned, you should see the last 10 posts in the forums on the right, the last 5 pics in the gallery on the left, a new clock/calendar on the right, and a link to me box, which gives the code to display that pic on your site.

  1. What do you think of that graphic to link to me?
  2. is the clock pointless? pretty? cool?
  3. anything else you can think of that i am missing? any ideas for anything more?

and thanks for checking the site out!! makes it all worth while. Feedback is always welcome too!

Personal Update

Visitors from the great unknown

3 December, 2003 (23:21) | Personal Update

J’aime and Dan slept over my house tonight since they were visiting Dan’s mom with her surgery. So far everything seems to have gone well, no signs of paralysis as they had feared.

well, i am officially the “tech leader” for Cornerstone now. Should be cool. I have no idea what my responsibilities are yet, but hey, i get a title. Nothing cooler than that. 🙂 So i will be doing something extra with Cornerstone as well as working on the website. And trying to meet new people too.

Christmas is coming up, and i have no clue what to get anyone. Not a friggin clue. suggestions people??

My mood has been pretty good, haven’t really done anything though. But i am happy about that! Touchtown is going well, Helpdesk is going well, there are like 4 christmas parties i should attend, probably won’t go to any though:- we’ll see. Not too much else to write about, even though i feel like i could write all night…

Site Update

gallery and pacman

2 December, 2003 (10:50) | Site Update

Well, i think pacman is fixed. Don’t put a space in your username when you submit a high score.

there is also a new survey on the right, let me know what you think.

I put up a gallery!! please post as many pictures as you wish, and everyone try to use it and give me feedback with any suggestions or problems you face. Thanks!