Hall's Rules of Social Order

Hall’s Rule of Social Order #61

12 March, 2012 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

There are only 3 requirements for a successful event or party:

  1. Something to eat
  2. Something to do
  3. A place to go to the bathroom


As soon as one of those is not present, the event will end.

LEGO© Creations

LEGO Mack truck with power

7 March, 2012 (12:00) | LEGO© Creations

Lego truckIt’s a pretty rude expression of a mack truck.  I struggle with actually putting in the effort to scale things properly or work on replication from a model.  I just said, “I want to build a mack truck” and started at it.  I mean, yeah, you get the idea that it’s a mack truck, but it also kind of looks like a tractor.  Whatever, it only took a few hours.  I wanted something I built on my own to show the kids in the class I teach.

The steering wheel turns the front wheels.  The doors open.  The 2 long grey cylinders are actually old school battery packs that power 2 electric motors rigged up with gears to the back 2 axles of the truck, so when you power them both on, it moves!


Hall's Rules of Social Order

Hall’s Rule of Social Order #151

5 March, 2012 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

Walking is not exercise.

It’s just necessary.  By dedicating an hour to walk, you’re just dedicating time to do more than necessary.   Walking is like breathing or eating in that it’s a basic life function, and if you’re having to practice walking, you’re in bad shape.  I can totally agree with people that find walking relaxing or therapeutic, but exercise is not supposed to be either of those.  At the very least you have to be climbing a hill or something.  If you want exercise, a better use of your time than walking an hour, is to drive home, do 30 minutes of yoga, and then go to bed.  As a guy who walks at least 3 miles commuting to and from work, I can tell you that walking is not worth the effort.  you’re fooling yourself if you think you’re doing something significant for your health.  STEP IT UP AND GO DO SOMETHING ACTIVE.

Wax Poetic

Once, Twice, Three times a lady

29 February, 2012 (12:00) | Wax Poetic

the first time we danced,

we both were romanced.

oh, the future we could have.

And when I told you,

“Darling, I love you”

That’s the first time it went bad.


It was too much, too soon.

I claim insanity under the moon.

How I long for just another chance.


But you’re once, twice, three times a lady and I’m sorry it ended that way.


The next time we met,

I was filled with regret,

But I held back words with a smile.

At lunch we talked,

And after, we walked.

That’s when I reached out for your hand.


You wanted to run,

I was crazed by the sun,

How I long for just another chance.


But you’re once, twice, three times a lady and I’m sorry it ended that way.


Years later it came,

we huddled in the rain.

My, how beautiful you were.

Puddles of love

Poured down around us,

And I knew just what to say.


You’re in my heart and my head,

But I wrote this song instead,

oh, how I’d love to pursue.

Your life is fine

but as for mine,

I’ll get by without if you choose.


You’re once, twice, three times a lady, and I’m sorry it ended this way.

Once, twice, three times a lady, and I’m yours when you want it that way.

Hall's Rules of Social Order

Hall’s Rule of Social Order #279

27 February, 2012 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

Modeling isn’t a career.

Neither is DJ’ing.  I’m sure you can think of a bunch of others that fall into this category.  By definition, “career” means “an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed by one’s life work.”  There’s a reason for the existence of the expression “don’t quit your day job.”   Ultimately, your career should lead you to a way that lets you take care of someone else too, other than just your immediate needs.  There’s certainly a period in life when it’s acceptable to chase these occupations, but if they don’t work out, do the responsible thing and walk away, even if it’s to find a career that can support your hobby.

Little Things

Around up in the air Bouncing off the walls

23 February, 2012 (12:00) | Little Things

I was at work walking from my cube to the elevators and I passed 2 guys I know talking about eye doctors who wear glasses instead of contacts having no expertise to share with people who wear contacts.  As I passed them, directly on the other side of a cube wall next to them is a Blackberry support girl who was on the phone with a caller.  The girl and the 2 guys were no more than 3 feet away from each other, separated only by a 3 inch thick, 5 foot tall cube wall.  Right as I was even with the cube wall, the girl and one of the guys said “contacts” at the same time.  It was like the intersection of a sine and cosine wave.  2 completely different contexts and conversations intersecting in verbal harmony.

To top it off, as I’m writing that paragraph, my coworker came over and said “Sorry I’m late, I was talking to my contacts over in another department.”