| Hall’s Rule of Social Order #49 |
Beware the women who wears leopard, cheetah, or tiger print. As of this writing, zebra print remains a mystery.
| Hall’s Rule of Social Order #49 |
Beware the women who wears leopard, cheetah, or tiger print. As of this writing, zebra print remains a mystery.
![]() | Hey Oh, I’m tired of using technology |
This post was going to start off as a bit of a stupid people rant, but a few people redeemed it from frustration and dragged it into entertaining. Possibly, the sheer ridiculousness of the entire thing brought it to the ‘funny’ category too.
Yesterday, I got this email:
From: Katlyn Fergus
Sent: July 7, 2011 5:40 PM
To: pnc_ach (pnc_ach@mail.rmu.edu)
Subject: Activation codeI have not received my activation code?
Katie Fergus
My initial reaction was, “is this some sort of phishing scam?” Then I looked at the To line, and that means that either I’m somehow BCC’d on this email or that someone has my Robert Morris (rmu.edu) email on a stupid group email distribution. Sadly, it was the latter, and what ensued was ~120 reply all circle of choas and mayhem. So many Hall’s rules of Social Order were broken. It didn’t stop until 7:01 PM.
0 replies from Katie Fergus
3 men asking if there are any single ladies
1 man asking if there are any single men
9 People replying “stop replying all!”
3 people replying more than once to “stop replying all!!”
31 people replying all requesting to be removed from the email list.
2 people replying all requesting to be kept on because they liked getting all the emails
18 people simply stating they were confused, not sure why they were getting the email(s), or asking why they were getting the email(s)
4 People placing (undeserved) blame on PNC and/or Katie Fergus
8 “IT Guys” explaining (or attempting to explain) what was going on and what needed to happen to fix it for everyone
2 Actual RMU IT guys sending the same exact message explaining what the problem was and that it would be fixed soon.
5 People replying with reference to needing more activation codes, getting Katie her activation code, or saying they don’t need any activation codes.
1 Suggestion that you should have to pass an I.Q. test to gain access to the reply all button (I wish this had a facebook like button)
3 “Shout outs” to friends or people on the email distribution
1 porn site registration confirmation email to pnc_ach@mail.rmu.edu
Some of the funnier replies:
People still use blackberries?!
We must have the activation code
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUZUImChHJE (I thought for sure this would have been a Rick Roll)
I like turtles 😀
![]() | I’ve got my hash pipe |
Let’s talk about the octothorp. What is it? It’s what you might call the hash symbol, or the pound sign, or the number key.
Kallie had read one of my twitter updates one day, and i tagged something at the end of it, and as she repeated it out loud to me she said “number”. I laughed.
To be clear, the octothorp is different from the sharp symbol found in music (♯). I’m not sure what that one is called…
![]() | Try honesty, Try Honesty |
“Veritas odium parit”
(Tranlated from Latin “Truth begets hatred”)
| Hall’s Rule of Social Order #59 |
Do not unfriend people on facebook. It’s true, and if you haven’t had it verified for you yet, just give it time.
Sure, there are ways to avoid getting to the point of unfriending people. One is just not to accept friend requests in the first place. Let them sit in approval limbo forever. Second is just to block them from your feed or viewing your feed.
![]() | duck duck goose |
Warning, you may not want to watch this. You may not want to let your kids watch this either. I’m going to talk about the genitalia of the duck. Specifically, the male duck. It’s crazy. The claim is that female ducks have been evolving to prevent the male from impregnating them by forming twists in their…”tubes”. In response, the male penis has evolved to “fill up” the tube and spiral around to make sure it gets to where it needs to be… You just have to watch the video. Or, read the Discover Magazine article.
Eversions in barriers / from blogs.discovermagazine.com/loom from Carl Zimmer on Vimeo.