
I’ve got wheels of polished steel

7 July, 2010 (10:00) | Memories

here’s another memory of when I almost died, or at least, almost caused severe bodily damage to myself.  Twice.

I was changing the tires on my 92 ford taurus at my mom’s house one day.  I had it jacked up, and the wheel was off.  I was sitting down, with my legs out in front of me, and as I was reaching and rolling the new tire to me, a big gust of wind came, just enough to knock the car off balance from the jack.  The…circular part that the wheel connects to…went slamming to the ground and took a big chunk out of the driveway.  I think my feet were just barely in the wheel well area, safe and untouched.

Then, when I had my truck, I learned that just any tire on a truck won’t do.  I must have changed the tires on the truck a dozen times.  I want to say I had the truck fall twice…, but I only remember 1 time for certain.  I was changing the front passenger tire on Erin Street across from my house.  If you’re familiar with where I live, Erin street is at least a 30% grade hill.  Same thing as with the taurus, I nearly lost my feet.

Remember kids, always block off the opposite/diagonal tire from moving before you jack you’re car up.  It doesn’t hurt to block them all off either.  If you can, get to a flat surface as well.

this message brought to you in part by safe tire changers of america.

Hall's Rules of Social Order

Hall’s Rules of Social Order #260, 261, and 262

5 July, 2010 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

#260 – All the worlds problems could be solved by games of Rock-Paper-Scissors.

#261 – Best of 1. Suck it up and accept your fate.

#262 – If it’s just a conflict of opinion, use

Thoughts & Ideas

Close the laundry door

2 July, 2010 (12:00) | Thoughts & Ideas

Why haven’t we found a better / easier / more efficient way to do laundry yet? Why do we need 2 devices to complete 1 process? At the very least, can’t we have a 3rd device that moves the laundry from the washer to the dryer automatically?

I mean, there isn’t even the option of 1 device. With those stacked units, you’d think you’d be able to make some kind of floor that drops out of the washer on top and as soon as it’s empty the dryer starts.

Is there something preventing this that I’m missing??? You can’t say it’s the direction that it spins, because you could just invent something that rotated itself. I just don’t get it.

We waste far too much time “watching” laundry or waiting for one to finish so you can switch it.


I wanna feel the sand beneath my feet

30 June, 2010 (12:00) | Reviews

So I got a pairs of the Vibram Five Finger KSOs out of curiosity.  I tried grabbing a pair in stores, but no one had any stock left, at least in my size.  I was able to try on a size close to mine, so I could go online and order direct.  Even online was out of stock of the styles I wanted.

About the shoes specifically, the soles were thinner than I expected.  Because they were so thin, I would think that the material would be harder/firmer, but it’s not really.  It’s still very flexible, which I can’t knock since it will only add to the purpose of being able to use your toes individually.

So my first run was a little awkward.  Not physically, but mentally.  You have to get used to the sensation of running at a fast pace bare foot.  I can’t remember the last time I’ve done that.  I wasn’t expecting to be able to feel the cracks and separations in the sidewalk or the sewer grates.  Even the manhole covers are a new sensation.  I’m no longer putting flat surface to flat surface, which, I realize, is the point.

As a result, the shoes do get you to run on the balls of your feet.  I’ve been doing that all along, so that wasn’t a new pain to learn, but having the ability to react quicker as a result was.  Where I used to hit the corner of the curb and just naturally “see-saw” to the flat surface, I’m actually responding to the ledge and balancing and grabbing on with my toes.  After my first 4.5 mile run, the bottom of my calves were sore for 2 days.  After the 2nd run, which I ran much faster, my calves were sore immediately.  Pain means they’re working, right?

I do all of my running in the city.  There’s a track up at schenley that i can use, but I rarely do.  I like the different terrain.  I think that the vibrams would benefit from a softer surface like a clay track, but I also think their dynamic intent would be wasted there.

Over all, I think they’re working, and for the moment, they’re a little bit of a motivator to run since I’m ostentatious and enjoy people giving me weird looks and asking me what they are.  Once the novelty wears off though, I see myself going back, or at least sharing time, with traditional running shoes.  Even the guy at Elite Runners suggested that they’re not an end all.  I’ll ride out this season on them, with the Urbanathlon in October, and we’ll see if switching back becomes less agreeable.

Hall's Rules of Social Order

Hall’s Rules of Social Order #210

28 June, 2010 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

A gentleman always has a speech prepared.


Warriors get your gear on

25 June, 2010 (12:00) | Reviews

I’ve been meaning to post a review of Joy Ike‘s new Album, Rumors, but I’m just getting around to it now.  If you’re already a fan, this album reminds you why.  If you’re not a fan yet, here’s a review through bias eyes and an unprofessional (and unapproved) opinion.

In retrospect, Joy’s first album, Good Morning, was coming from someone who loved to play music and write songs and was entertaining the idea of people actually paying to listen to it.  It was…but, it also worked.  Joy’s sound was original, familiar, raw, and somehow catchy all at the same time.  I was hooked right away, and I’ll be the first to admit her style is certainly a departure from my normal listening.  She had heart, believed in her music, and it showed.  Something about someone doing something they are passionate about is so engaging.

With Rumors, I was expecting more of the popular sound that I was used to from Joy.  What I got, was something a lot more serious and a lot more -real-.  That isn’t to mean that the previous songs were superficial at all, but I think they succeed at being the catchy, groovy songs they were meant to be.  The songs, and more specifically, the lyrics, on Rumors, are not as secular or topical as her first album.  Where we talked about children growing up too fast (“Hey, Where are the Kids?”), we’re now honestly talking about faith and personal struggle (“Untitled)”.  Where we were talking about getting lost in the city (“City Lights”), we’re now confronting the earth’s mystery and that man alone doesn’t have the answers (“Power”).

The result is a more potent message and it’s delivered with more powerful melody.  She stays true to her stripped down mixing, going with hand drums and a piano and the occasional strings, so we still have the same Joy Ike sound, but she’s pulling us closer by revealing, what I assume to be, herself, and her own thoughts.  An undeniable Christian philosophy is threaded through her lyrics, which wasn’t present in Good Morning. In tracks like “Power” and “Rumors” (not to mention the “Amen” at the end!!), we hear a progression that is something similar to a hymnal.  It’s moving.  It’s great.

To put it simply, I think Joy’s matured, as well as her music.  She’s giving us quality tracks, original and inspiring lyrics, and an honest message that’s not somber, but engaging.  If I had to compare her to someone more mainstream, I’d say Sarah McLachlan, which is appropriate seeing that Joy has been selected to join her in the Lilith Fair line up for Philadelphia on July 28th.  That’s going to be a big show for her, and I’m positive that we’ll hear a lot more of her, sooner than you think.  Better get your gear on while you can.