Hall's Rules of Social Order

Hall’s Rules of Social Order #97

29 March, 2010 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

Although there are famous people that play World of Warcraft, people that play World of Warcraft do not then become famous.  By famous, I mean known for things outside of World of Warcraft that do not include their raid in Azeroth.


There is this place inside, where all the good things die

25 March, 2010 (08:00) | Pittsburgh

Do you want to go to the Carnegie Museum of Art or Carnegie Museum of Natural HistoryWant 2 free tickets from me?  If so, read further.

Here’s how we’ll play this.  Tell me the activity you are most excited to do this year in or around Pittsburgh this year and why.  If you post your reply on facebook, you’ll earn 1 entry.  If you post your reply (which requires registration) through my blog post, you’ll earn 2 entries.  After 1 week, I’ll count all the entries and pick someone at random.  Sound cool?



If you’re wondering how I came about the tickets, ask me how my search for used cars in Pittsburgh is going.


I know the pieces fit cause I watched them fall away

22 March, 2010 (14:48) | Ramblings

Pardon the political post.

United States of America.  My arse.  I am terrified about the Health Care Reform billed being passed this past Sunday.  I’m not terrified about the unknown long-term impacts or affects, or even the reconciliation package that is outstanding.  What I’m most scared about is that NOT A SINGLE REPUBLICAN voted for it.  There are 178 of them, and not a single one voted, "YES"???  That’s effing scary for quite a few reasons.

  1. Can we honestly believe that every single district they represent didn’t want the bill?  Do we really assume that each one was overwhelming enough against it, that not a single representative teetered on voting "yes"?
  2. If members of the Republican party are all going to vote the same way, can’t we just get rid of them and their salaries and get 1 person to represent the group?  Making this a Dems vs Reps opposition is not productive.  Get over yourselves and start thinking for yourself  THE PEOPLE YOU REPRESENT.

So they aren’t being true to their responsibility to the American people, they are wasting tax-payer money and time, and they are also creating a schism in the way our government works.  Our government was not set-up to be 2 entities deciding what is best for our country.  THAT’S EFFING WHY WE HAVE SO MANY OF YOU SUITS IN WASHINGTON.  If all they do is echo the sentiments of everyone else in their cute little party, then let’s get some consolidating going and get rid of everyone without a brain of their own and save some money and time listening to them ramble on and on.

Even George Washington said, "The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.
It serves always to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection."

Having agendas based on parties is like having big businesses run the government.  I can’t think of any argument in favor of that happening.  Each representative loses their individuality and becomes part of the group think machine.  They are no longer defending the views and rights of the people who elected them.  

And now we’re talking about creating new political parties???  These things are popping up like fraternities.


Watch this Jesse Ventura interview on Larry King – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yr46X8f4ww

Hall's Rules of Social Order

Hall’s Rules of Social Order #26 and 27

22 March, 2010 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

#26 – Never date your sister’s friend.

#27 – Yes, she counts as your sister’s friend.


Pittsburgh is defying ordinary

18 March, 2010 (14:00) | Pittsburgh

The Pittsburgh Penguins’ slogan this season is "defy ordinary".  Might not be all that great of a sports team promotion, but this little video they put together is a pretty good ad for Pittsburgh life in general.  CMU, Andy Warhol, South Side Works, Consol Energy Center, and a bunch of other key landmarks are highlighted.



Top 10

Top 10 geek songs

16 March, 2010 (12:00) | Top 10

The list comes from CNN, but I went ahead and got the youtube links for each track.

  1. “She Blinded Me With Science,” Thomas Dolby
  2. “Dare to Be Stupid,” Weird Al Yankovic – Of course Weird all has to be there.  I’d actually put something like “All about the Pentiums” or “White & Nerdy” on the list instead of this one.

    Weird Al Yankovic – Dare to be Stupid
    Uploaded by bolton. – See more comedy videos.
  3. “Nerdcore Rising,” M.C. Frontalot – There’s actually a pretty cool documentary called “Nerdcore Rising” with a lot of cool information on the genre of nerd core.  Certainly worth checking out.
  1. “In the Garage,” Weezer – Something by Weezer needed to be on the list.  They would be the fathers of geek rock for sure.  Them with Ozma was a great tour.
  2. “Through Being Cool,” Devo
  3. “Code Monkey,” Jonathan Coulton
  4. “Particle Man,” They Might Be Giants
  5. “Add It Up,” Violent Femmes
  6. “One Week,” Barenaked Ladies
  7. “Weird Science,” Oingo Boingo