Top 10

Swallow it down; what a jagged little pill

24 February, 2010 (14:14) | Top 10

The internet is a place of free information by people just like you and me.  Sure, the quality of that information varies greatly, but it’s still information.  As they say, Human knowledge belongs to the world!  So here are the top 100 documentary movies free to watch online.  There are some real gems in there.

Little Things

Having fun in snowpocalypse 2010

7 February, 2010 (04:40) | Little Things

we decided to jump from our second story window into our pile of snow.

Top 10

I don’t want to be an American idiot

1 February, 2010 (12:38) | Top 10

For some reason, CNN only posted 9 rip-offs, so we have to come up with the 10th on our own…


It’s electric, boogie woogie woogie

28 January, 2010 (12:43) | Memories

It’s been a while since I’ve put up a post in the "memories" category.  I was thinking about times I’ve almost died.  There aren’t many, I think, but still something worth sharing.

When I was in high school, I dug up my Uncle Jay’s 250 watt 15" Pevey bass amp from my dad’s barn.  The funny thing about this amp was that it didn’t have a ground wire in it.  It just had a 2 prong plug.  I ended up cutting off the plug since it was damaged and put a new grounded plug on the end, which at least gave me a sense of security that it wasn’t going to come out of the wall.

Later on, my Uncle Kenny gave me my first 4 string base.  IT was a black "series 10" bass.  Nothing special about it, but it did the job.  I had gotten it in my head that I’d like a natural wood finish instead of the black matte, so I got some sand paper and started to go to town on the bass.  This was a lot of work.  When it got time to get around the pickups and bridge, I had to undue the strings.  I had the bass plugged into the amp, and the amp on, just so I could hear the awesome tones as I detuned.

So there’s me, in a damp basement, sitting in a metal chair, next to a 250 watt bass amp, that’s plugged into a surge protector on the floor next to me with a bunch of other devices, and 4 nickel wound, 1/8-1/4 inch diameter bass strings flopping around in my lap.  As luck would have it, something like the alarm clock was barely plugged in to the surge protector, and one of the strings found it way in the gap.  You want to know how I was sure something was wrong?  Because one of the base string starting glowing bright orange.  I jumped out of my seat, which was enough to move the bass string, but after some damage to the surge protector, which I still use today.  Here it is:

bass string got electrified


I think that counts as almost dying. 

Thoughts & Ideas

50 million Elvis fans can’t be wrong

12 January, 2010 (10:41) | Thoughts & Ideas

I had an idea for a website with community driven content.  Someone would post a rumor or something unconfirmed and people would either simply "confirm it" or add evidence and such to support or invalidate the rumor.  I’d compare it to a cross with and mythbusters.  You could have different user rankings for how much they’ve contributed and maybe for a rumor to move to a status of "confirmed" it would need to be confirmed by an established member or authority.  Eventually, as the community grew, I think we’d form quite a thinktank full of valued people. 

Thoughts & Ideas

The kids are alright

3 January, 2010 (23:14) | Thoughts & Ideas

Watching J’aime’s kids the other day, gave me an idea.  I call it KidCom.  It’s a device, much like a watch, that your kids wear.

In it’s simplest form, it just has the time on it and you can set alarms on it that say things like "1 hours before Daddy gets home", or "it’s almost snack time".  It’s to help highlight and grow the anticipation for the important and happy moments in their days.

There are a few things you can do to extend the functionality.  A web interface or desktop application to record your own voice and have it say messages on certain times.  Or you can change settings remotely if you’re going to be late.

It could be integrated with a gps for locating your kids, or even some sort of 911/call home functionality for emergencies.  I think the simpler the better these days when it comes to technology…especially when it comes to kids…which makes me feel old…I’m going to go play with LEGO blocks now.