House Ideas

You think she’s an open book

30 January, 2009 (12:30) | House Ideas

Heaven.  That’s the only word I can use to describe Jay Walker’s (the brilliant brain/entrepreneur behind library.  I love it.  Every aspect of it.  The personalization, the M. C. Escher floors, the lighting, the collection, everything.  It’s perfect.


Thoughts & Ideas

Politically left

27 January, 2009 (11:32) | Thoughts & Ideas

Barack Obama is left handed.  He’s beleived to be only the 8th president to be a south paw.  To think, nuns used to slap our wrists if we didn’t use our right hands!  Sinistre forever!

Little Things

Keren’s getting married.

24 January, 2009 (16:11) | Little Things

I was on facebook today and saw that Keren updated her website information.  She had made a wonderful website for her wedding.  As I looked through the pictures, listened to the music, and read her words, I cried.  I hope Robbie knows how lucky he is.

Wax Poetic

A Cold Morning Walk

24 January, 2009 (15:28) | Wax Poetic

As I walk down Memory Lane,
The past runs like a river behind me.
Over the cliff, down the steep hill,
Trees protect us from falling back down.
They block the clear view of the river,
As mental scars block the pain of memories.
If we descend down the cliff of time passed,
And lose our footing, our bodies become like a plinko chip
Tumbling down, but never knowing where we’ll stop.
Some have made it down without a bruise.
Some have even taken out a tree or two.
Though you feel so close to all the river from above,
The view is always better from the top.
Though you think you’ll make it down just fine,
You’ll never make it back up to where you were.
Where you are. Where I am. Where we are.
As I walk further from the cliff’s view,
I look back, and wonder where I’d be without you.
Probably lost, injured, and hungry, somewhere in that valley
Foolishly looking for something familiar, but not knowing what.
With my hands hidden from the cold in my pocket,
I face the future, and begin walking.
Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot.
Left foot, right foot…

House Ideas

Silence again

15 January, 2009 (15:02) | House Ideas

Contrary to what you may believe, I enjoy privacy.  I’d love to have every room in the house completely sound proof.  ESPECIALLY the bathrooms.  I would like to think I’ll have people over often, and I hate feeling like someone is going to hear me in the bathroom.  along with the bathrooms, I’d like to have a lot of them.  All over the house.  I want to be able to go to the bathroom anywhere I want in the house.

Memorable Quotes

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

14 January, 2009 (18:09) | Memorable Quotes


The Impersonal Hand of Government Can Never Replace The Helping Hand of a Neighbor."

– Hubert H. Humphrey