
She’s buying a stairway to heaven

19 September, 2008 (09:55) | Pittsburgh

Over the summer, I was on the North Shore looking at Mt. Washington and I thought it’d be great to have a building that stretches from the top all the way down to carson street.  You could still put plants and stuff on the roof, but it’d be great to have another way to connect Grandview Avenue with the city below.  Some new business men want to do just that.  They’ll take Edge Restaurant, which has been closed for 20 years, and turn it into condos, a hotel, and spa.  The wow factor comes in with a staircase along the whole mountain side though.  That will be the landmark that sets pittsburgh apart from anywhere else.  I’m seeing it at a place for fitness events like the urbanathlon.  Swim down the allegheny, run from PNC Park to Station Square, then up the stairs.  It’ll take a while for sure, but they threw out 2011 for a date.





Phrustrated in Philly – A good mechanic is worth their weight in gold.

17 September, 2008 (15:48) | Ramblings

So, here’s the story of what I’ve been going through with my truck.  I don’t consider this a closed issue until it’s back in my possession safe and sound.

Friday night my truck was making a weird whistling noise as I headed out to Philly to spend the weekend with Kallie and bring back her large items.  I had thought that I shouldn’t risk driving it with the noise, but plans were already set, so I went for it.  I get to the West Chester / Downington exit a little after midnight, and I had to stop because the noise had grown into the worst grumbling/grinding noise, and I knew something was about to break severely.  I called AAA, and they sent someone out named Josh.  The last time I got AAA the dude’s name was Josh.  within a few seconds of him hooking up the truck, it started to rain and Kallie showed up to pick me up.  So it all went pretty smoothly there, which kept me pretty calm.  Josh had asked me where I wanted it towed to, I had no clue, so he suggested a sunoco dealership down the road, so I said sure.  I had a little cringe at the idea of vulture like mechanics waiting at the Sunoco for they’re latest meal from the turnpike.

So I call the place first thing in the morning.  They don’t normally work Saturdays, contrary to what Josh had said.  They did have a guy in though, and he said he’d take it for a spin to see what was wrong with it.  He said he couldn’t find the keys though.  I told him they might be in the gas tank.  He said he’d check there and get back to me.  By noon I’m wondering if he found the keys or if he had been able to look at it, because I’d like to get it to somewhere else if they couldn’t.  I called them, he said he found the keys in the gas tank and they’d take it for a spin in a bit.  Around 2 they call me, tell me it’s the rear end/differential that needs replaced.  I asked for just a ball park on what he thought it would cost, and he said that he’d have to get back to me Monday because he’ll have someone look at it to see what the options with it were as far as getting a new one, rebuilding the current one, or what else he could find. 

Alright, so I told my boss Saturday I’d be out of the office Monday, but I’d keep him in the loop.  Monday morning comes around, Sunoco says that it’ll be $800 for the part and $400-$500 for the labor, and could take a couple days.  That was a blow.  I said go for it though.  I also called my mechanic back home and asked them what they thought, and they said $800 sounded reasonable.

Also Monday, Kallie’s car needed to get inspection and emission done.  So i took it to this guy down the street from her.  It wouldn’t pass because her left tailout is busted and the check engine light was on.  I authorized him to do a diagnoses on the engine, and he told me that if I drove over to Jersey, I could get a tail light for $60 instead of him having to get it from the dealer for $120.  The check engine light was on because the front catalytic converter is going bad, but he had some sort of tool he could run to find out just how bad it was.  I drove it over night and Tuesday he cleared me there as soon as I could get the tail light from New Jersey.  Wasn’t too much hassle, and I just worked from Kallie’s place.

Tuesday morning though, Sunoco called me to say they ordered the wrong part and the right part was going to be $1200.  I said no way, my mechanic says $800 is good.  He says he called all over the place and that’s all he could find.  I said I wanted to call around and see what I could find on my own.  He started trying to convince me just to go with the $1200.  Josh no likey.  I called Serah’s father in law who lives out there to see if he knew of a good mechanic.  He got me in touch with someone who did some research for me and said that $900-$1200 would be a range they could find a rear for my truck.  I found something online for $950 +$150 shipping.  Then I called Lacey’s back home to see if they could help me find a part and maybe i’ll get someone to drive it out to me.

  By this time, 10:00 am, I had to call off work to deal with this.  Lacey’s calls me back and actually found a place in North Philly that had what I need for $850.  Only snag is that it has to be a garage that buys it.  So i call the Sunoco and the guy is not happy with me, almost like he’s offended I’m telling him how to do his job.  He said I can go buy a part on my own and bring it in, but if it doesn’t work I would have to take it back and get the right part.  He was not willing to talk to the place to make sure it was the right part to avoid that situation.  It was basically $1200 or nothing in his mind.  I call AAA to see if i can get it towed somewhere else for free, and I can if I can produce 2 things:  1) proof that I don’t owe the mechanic money (I don’t think I do…) 2) They can’t fix my truck.  (Hmm….well, they can’t get the part they quoted me and they can’t get the $850 part I need).  So I call the Sunoco back around 4PM to see if they’d agree to helping me out there since this was getting so difficult, and the guy that I had been talking to all day leaves at 2pm.  I asked if there was someone else I could talk to and he said no, and basically hung up on me.  So much for trying to resolve this amicably.

So I go back to Chuck’s, where Kallie’s car was, to get her car squared away, and I ask him if he’d want to work on my truck since he’s basically awesome.  He said yep.  He gave me his buddy’s towing service number.  A quick call there and $110 later, bam, my truck is at Chuck’s place by nightfall.  I have no idea how that is legal, since I never provided proof of identity, pretty sure no one was at Sunoco to sign off, but whatever.  Now my truck is at Chuck’s so Kallie can walk to pick it up instead of having to find a friend to drive her to West Chester.

Talked to Chuck this morning, got him in touch with the place with the part, and I think he’s got it all under control.  I’ll check back in with him later today, but so far so good…Sunoco called…I kinda don’t want to return their call…thoughts?



12 September, 2008 (12:14) | Dreams

I had this dream monday night and I think I have something here…I was on some sort of luxury cruise or on a resort or something like that, and there was a gambling room.  There was this large table set up, very much like a roulette table, with a numbered wheel, a tall grid of numbers beside it, and then some other marked areas surrounding it.  An employee came to the table and announced that she would be starting a game of ‘Sapienza’ if anyone wanted to join in.  (if you’re not familiar with poker rooms, this is a common practice where a croupier announces the buy in and limit and anyone interested can go to that table)  Everyone seemed a little disappointed that it wasn’t a regular game of roulette, but I actually wasn’t too sure what the heck was going on.  Since no one expressed interest, I said that I’d play sapienza, but then I asked for clarification on what it was.  Then someone said that it was like "P", which was what they called normal roulette for some reason, but sapienza was a new game.

So then I woke up, with this visual of the table, but no idea how to play it.  It was a felt table, mostly tan colored with stripes of orange as a design pattern.  Then I thought, I should make this game.  The rules, strategies, and statistics have been running in my head ever since this dream.  I think I’m going to invent this game and try to market it to a casino.  I’m liking it, but I’m also designing it, so I’m a little biased.  I’m starting to organize my ideas and map out a course of development to concept to business proposal…I’m going to need some help eventually with this, but I think I have a new hobby.

BTW, I have no idea where sapienza came from.  Apparently it’s italian for ‘wisdom’.  I like it.

Wax Poetic

Where 2 stand no longer.

11 September, 2008 (23:50) | Wax Poetic

I walked down Church Street today.
I never really thought about those who were there before me.
I walked past many people who were stopped.
I felt like the outsider or scab going to work.
I walked thinking about how my bag was slowing me down,
and how that was a bad thing.
I walked with purpose and destination in mind,
but I found it difficult to get there easily.
I walked and I never looked up.
I kept looking straight ahead to see where I was going.
I walked and noticed a few people standing.
I noticed a few people.
I walked all the way to where I was expected to go,
but I never expected not to be human.

Life Long Goals

I’ve got wheels of polished steel, I’ve got tires that grip the road

7 September, 2008 (11:30) | Life Long Goals

Maybe inspired from the show Home improvement, or maybe my old dentist, Dr. Birch, but I’d like to build my own car.  I’d love to have a place in a garage to just work on it for years slowly building it, making sure I’m doing it right, learning about how it all works.  Having some friends come over and help me building it, taking some time for a beer or two.  Maybe even having a son to help me work on it, and if we finished it around the time he was 16, it’d be his car.  Too much?  I dunno, I just like the idea.


Mic Check

5 September, 2008 (17:27) | Music

Rage against the machine did Bulls on Parade without any instruments during the Replican National Convention after cops took over their stage and PA.