Little Things

Strangers when we meet

5 September, 2008 (12:03) | Little Things

As I was walking to work this morning, a late 20 year old guy was washing his cadillac, and I intently made eye contact with him, waved, and said hi to him.  Not entirely characteristic of me, but he was close enough to be my neighbor, so I wanted to be neighborly.  As I was past the Family Dollar in the Hill District a few blocks away, a gentleman said as he passed me, "How are you doing today, Sir?".  He said it quickly and in too close proximity for me to look at him and reply though.  I just looked up and smiled at him.  Then a block down a girl asked me for the time, which i promptly gave her.  Then a block down an elderly lady with a walker said good morning to me and offered me a track which I declined.  Then another block, this huge dump truck slowed down, stopped, turned off his engine, and the driver says, "Excuse me sir, do you know where Joshua Gibson ball field is?"  I then gave him directions to the field with joy.  Never have I had this much social interaction on my walk to work, and I was barely even half way there!  Then I’m at work riding the elevator up with a guy who is leaning his head back against the wall and says, "Is it Friday yet?"  I reply, "You’re in luck my friend, it is indeed Friday!"  He asked if I was sure and then said that it’s just been one of those weeks.  I said, "It’s only been a 4 day week!  Must have been pretty bad!" then wished him well as I got off on my floor and he continued his ascent to where ever he has to sit out the rest of the day.  Then the network went down, so people on the floor were wandering around aimless without having the internet to entertain them, and a guy that took my old job but has been around for a few weeks introduced himself to me.

What a talkative public I’ve encountered today!

Friday 5

Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?

5 September, 2008 (11:29) | Friday 5

  • What’s your favorite orange-colored food?
  •  – Does pizza count?  How about just american cheese?  I hate pumpkin, that’s for sure.

  • What’s the best way to drink orange juice?
  •  – Straight from the container.

  • Which candy’s orange-colored pieces taste best?
  •  – I just had some yesterday, so I’m going to go with Reese’s Pieces.  Although, I kind of feel like it’s cheating for some reason…

  • What are your feelings about orange soda?
  •  – Funny you should ask.  I used to LOVE orange soda.  My favorite drink.  I loved having the orange stained upper lip afterward too.  I knew it was there, and i wore it proudly.  A little ostentacious, but I wanted everyone to know that I just drank the best stuff ever.

  • When did you last wear an orange item of clothing?
  •  – I have this Newegg tshirt i got for free, and I always thought it was too loud to wear in public, but the 2 times that I have, people have complimented me on it.  It’s more of just a geek factor compliment, but still.  So the last time I wore it was a month or so ago.

    Thoughts & Ideas

    Calm down, release your cares, The stale taste of recycled air

    4 September, 2008 (11:51) | Thoughts & Ideas

    The slang "going postal" kind of slipped in under the radar if you ask me.  What was a topical item in the 90s, is now just another idiom.  I actually can’t help but feel bad for the united states postal service.  I can’t think of anything they’ve done in recent years to preserve the meaning of the phrase.  Maybe in 20 years from now, people will have to explain the origins of "going postal."


    Takin’ it to the streets

    4 September, 2008 (11:07) | Pittsburgh

    Did you know that there is a wooden street in pittsburgh?  Roslyn Place in Shadyside is the only one.  It’s hard to tell from the google street view, but you can certainly see the color.  Here‘s an article on the history, or really, lack of historical knowledge.  It’s a historic landmark though, so it will be around for a while.

    This reminds me of red dog roads.  Know what those are?  Red dog was a biproduct of mining that was used to pave roads.  It was a red colored gravel or brick chip like material.  I couldn’t find any google images, but I there were roads like this back in the country where I grew up.  They might still be around…

    Personal Update

    a lack of color

    2 September, 2008 (14:36) | Personal Update

    you know, I should really make an effort to make personal updates what I have something to say instead of these dull posts that just fade into archives and the history of me never to be read again, as if they were a polaroid photo where everyone has red eye…

    anyway.  Drove out to delaware this past saturday with mumsy to check out serah’s new house.  It’s actually pretty cute.  I like it.  small 1 floor house, but the basement is huge and unfinished, so they can easily double their living space and equity.  good stuff.  Kallie met us there then we headed down to DC together to hang out with friends.  Then up to Philly for some more friends and socializing.  basically the weekend was a lot of driving and a lot of people.

    So…Kallie’s moving to pittsburgh…not entirely sure when, but it’s going to be great.  Gotta help her find a place, since we both think it’s probably not wise for her to move in.  Well…she needs to a find a job too…that would be helpful.  Thinks are in the works though.  Things go well on that front though.  I’m excited.

    Training continues for the urbanathlon on sept 27th in new york.  I’m actually going to NY next week for work on the 9th, 10th, and 11th (great day to fly out of NY, right?)  and I plan to do a trail run of the course.  I’ll see if i can get into WTC 7, since it’s right across the office.  I hope they at least let me look at the stairwell to see what I’m up against.  crazy stuff.

    Memorable Quotes

    Back seat driver

    2 September, 2008 (02:03) | Memorable Quotes

    "Drive like mom is with you."

    – Billboard on the turnpike while I’m driving 80 at 10pm in my mom’s minivan with my mom