Tag: Donnie Darko

“In pace requiescat!”

29 April, 2004 (03:13) | Ramblings

Well, I just got done watching Donnie Darko again.  In the movie, Drew Barrymore says that a famous linguist once said that “Cellar Door” was the most beautiful word in the english language, which leads him to his destiny of going into Grandma death’s cellar door.  From what i have researched so far, the original […]

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6 February, 2004 (15:18) | Personal Update

Today Becky and I went to Dr. Vargo’s memorial service. He was a professor at Cal U, and the father of a dear friend, Andy. Andy is a strong man, I have a lot of respect for him. Keren went to the service too, I wish I would have gotten a chance to talk to […]

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