Don’t be a walking billboard. You know how people put ribbons on their shirts or even their cars to raise awareness for a certain charity or campaign? What’s the difference between a pink ribbon on your chest and a Nike swoosh? Is Polo or Ralph Lauren a brand that you strongly believe in and want […]
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Tags: advertising, appearal, billboard, brand, clothes, cool, fashion, free, logo, loyalty, marketing, name, shirt, slave, social, threads
Kallie told me that she went to the store the other day and someone had left coupons next to a bunch of products through the store. It wasn’t just the store discounts, but someone must have had a bunch of coupons they were not going to use and took the effort to leave them by […]
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Tags: anonymous, coupon, discount, free, gesture, gift, giving, nice, shopping, stranger
human knowledge belongs to the world. You’re ridiculous if you claim your knowledge is your own. There is so much that contributes to your knowledge that you’re taking for granted. Also, if you keep your knowledge to yourself, you’re also preventing someone else from doing something else with it. Maybe even making it better.
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Tags: creation, entrepreneur, fight club, free, human, intellectual property, knowledge, member, Non nobis solum, open source, original, patent, share, thought, will
I converted over the games from the old php-nuke site to wordpress. Let me know if you have any problems.
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Tags: arcade, browser, flash, free, game, games, pac man, pacman, retro, simon, snake, space invaders, tetris, tic-tac-toe, tictactoe
It’s been long enough out of the original Napster era and RIAA filing extravaganzas that we can revisit this and see if there has been change. In fact, there’s probably even room to take it a step further away from even acquiring music at all. Some people may rely solely on places like, pandora, […]
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Tags: 99 cents, amazon, download, free, grooveshark, illegal, internet, ipod, itunes,, limewire, listen, MP3, music, napster, pandora, radio, riaa, sattelite, share, shawn fanning, sirius, store, xm, xmradio
28 June, 2011 (12:00) | Top 10 |
There’s no delete key. There’s a backspace, to remove characters from right to left, but there’s no way to delete characters from left to right. Prices are ridiculous. Especially after they switched to Intel based hardware, prices should have dropped significantly. Their CD/DVD drives sound like death. All of them. WHY?!?!?! RRRRBBBBBRRRRZZZZRAREARE. Every time you […]
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Tags: apple, consumerism, free, gesture, hardware, imac, ipad, ipod, itunes, jobs, mac, macintosh, music, open source, price, product