Tag: shirt

All In The Suit That You Wear

17 October, 2012 (12:00) | Poll the People

How much attention do you pay to what people wear around you?  Do you look to see what everyone is wearing all the time?  Do you only notice the flashy ties, bright dresses, or notable tops?  Do you EVEN notice the flashy ties, bright dresses, or notable tops?  I know I barely can keep track […]

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Hall’s Rule of Social Order #50

30 January, 2012 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

Don’t be a walking billboard. You know how people put ribbons on their shirts or even their cars to raise awareness for a certain charity or campaign?  What’s the difference between a pink ribbon on your chest and a Nike swoosh?  Is Polo or Ralph Lauren a brand that you strongly believe in and want […]

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Hall’s Rule of Social Order #108

4 April, 2011 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

You don’t tuck in tshirts or polo shirts.  They’re not designed to be tucked in, they’re designed to be a little more comfortable.  This is especially true if you have a big ol beer gut.  Why the eff would you tuck in your shirt to accentuate your belly?  That’s just disgusting.

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Hall’s Rule of Social Order #45

20 December, 2010 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

In the case where you and someone else in your group wear the same, or very similar shirts or outfits, every effort possible should be made to either minimize (or remove completely) the similarities. Extremely rare similarities in shirts/outfits (lime green striped polos, for example) warrant extreme urgency and importance.

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