13 October, 2014 (21:11) | Top 10 |
Have you given your child(ren) the same meal multiple days in a row? Have you ever pretended to be unaware of the dirty diaper of your child(ren) so your spouse has to deal with it? Have you ever been 99.9% that your spouse is pretending to be unaware of the dirty diaper of your child(ren)? […]
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Tags: child, children, fail, food, hard, kids, parenting, sesame street, sleep, stay at home dad, survive
How often does your house get vacuumed? I’m not talking about pulling it out for spot vacuuming after a mess. I’m talking about a full house sweep. I would think kids and visual dirt play a big role in how often it happens. let me know your scenario!
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Tags: clean, dirt, floor, kids, sweep, vacuum
It’s been less than 24 hours since I dropped hnn-hnn (Jan-Jan) and Bumpa off at the airport. Survival mode is already engaged. The Mirkwood fog must have been pouring through the vents as we slept. What day is it? What’s that noise? What’s that smell? I sold my soul to the sirens of Sesame Street […]
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Tags: bumpa, family, help, hnn hnn, inlaws, kids, love, sick, sleep, wife
I’ve got a bunch of weird emotions going on right now. I don’t want to say “I lost someone today.” That sounds too self-centered. Especially since I haven’t talked to my dad’s friend for almost 10 years. But, how do I explain this feeling of loss? I don’t think he knew how much I revered […]
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Tags: death, friends, grown ups, kids, parents
I’m a part of Steel City LUG, and we’re displaying at LEGO KidsFest this weekend, so I wanted to put together something special for it. I was imbued by the Batman/Joker of Arthur Gugick, who was inspired by Christopher Doyle’s Dorian Bley. I originally had a different idea, but it was my wife that came up […]
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Tags: art, harry potter, hp, kids, kidsfest, LEGO, lenticular, lug, mosaic, pittsburgh, steel city lug, voldemort
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You can’t control others. You can influence. You can lead by example. You can threaten. You can scare. You can encourage. You can explain your point of view. You can layout the logic and consequences of actions. You can suck it up and walk away when they still don’t do what you say because […]
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Tags: control, dictate, direction, follow, follower, kids, lead, leader, order, people, rule, teen, teenager