Today Becky and I went to Dr. Vargo’s memorial service. He was a professor at Cal U, and the father of a dear friend, Andy. Andy is a strong man, I have a lot of respect for him. Keren went to the service too, I wish I would have gotten a chance to talk to […]
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Tags: christ, Donnie Darko, family, Kenneth Cole, Keren, love, Mike, movie, play, serah, skater, song, supervisor, The Butterfly Effect, Work
so we meet again…this weekend was pretty cool, got to hang out with my onts and unks, saw my grandma, saw Return of the King, took some pictures, played some board games, made a little love, and got down tonight. pretty fun weekend. but all good things come to an end, so i am back […]
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Tags: family, friends, Jordan, love, North Carolina, people, PHP, Work
Woo hoo! got a Linksys Wireless G router for the apartment, so now i can access the internet anywhere in the apartment with my laptop, as Adam suggested, yes, even on the can. 🙂 Got some Christmas shopping done today. I looked for Waking Life on DVD, but couldn’t find it at best buy. I […]
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Tags: Adam, Christmas, dreams, love, Work
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holy cow! i had no idea that is was snowing so bad. There is like 6 inches of snow out, and it looks like PennDOT hasn’t even touched the roads. So needless to say, it was fun getting into work today. I love the snow though, i hope it never stops. But i also hope […]
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Tags: Adam, author, chair, Christmas, code, game, God, home, house, love, oil change, people, play, Work
I just got done watching the movie Love, Actually. What a beautiful movie! It is about the agony of love, and the many faces it has. Wonderful. and something i am really exited about. So now i have another title. Don’t ask me where that title came from though, i have no clue.:) Guess that […]
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Tags: Billy Talent, cellular telephone, Chris, happy, Josh Hall, love, movie, people, Touchtown
high dee ho people. 21 came and went. only a few people cared to notice, and i thank you all for that. Really means a lot to me. especially in the funk that i have been in recently. Still not alcohol for me though. keren is a short concert pooper. she wanted to leave early […]
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Tags: family, house, Keren, love, Mike, mom, people, serah, Thanksgiving, Tirza
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