You can’t control others. You can influence. You can lead by example. You can threaten. You can scare. You can encourage. You can explain your point of view. You can layout the logic and consequences of actions. You can suck it up and walk away when they still don’t do what you say because […]
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Tags: control, dictate, direction, follow, follower, kids, lead, leader, order, people, rule, teen, teenager
You’re only legit when you have your own wikipedia entry.
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Tags: class, established, fame, famous, importance, legacy, legend, legit, order, proof, recognition, rule, social, wikipedia
Anyone who knows anything about LEGO knows that storage and organization is a constant struggle. I read this post on the evolution of LEGO sorting from back in 2001 and laughed at how much I empathized. I don’t think I have any pictures of my green bin, but I used to keep everything in this […]
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Tags: bins, color, horses, keep, LEGO, order, organization, organize, shape, size, sort, sorting, storage