so i saw the passion wednesday night. as i am sure you have heard by now, it is very powerful. and that is really all i have, and want to say about it. i was looking through my logs for my webpage, and today, at around 2, i had a visitor that was on EMI’s […]
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Tags: mom, music, people, play, Work
pfff. friday the 13th. Sometimes i just wonder why people are the way they are. so it is friday the 13th, and because there was a movie about that date i am supposed to go around reminding people what today’s date is??? I just don’t get it. but i never really got why 2-liter pop […]
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Tags: adventure, basketball, King, movie, people, play, Valentine's day
Today Becky and I went to Dr. Vargo’s memorial service. He was a professor at Cal U, and the father of a dear friend, Andy. Andy is a strong man, I have a lot of respect for him. Keren went to the service too, I wish I would have gotten a chance to talk to […]
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Tags: christ, Donnie Darko, family, Kenneth Cole, Keren, love, Mike, movie, play, serah, skater, song, supervisor, The Butterfly Effect, Work
holy cow! i had no idea that is was snowing so bad. There is like 6 inches of snow out, and it looks like PennDOT hasn’t even touched the roads. So needless to say, it was fun getting into work today. I love the snow though, i hope it never stops. But i also hope […]
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Tags: Adam, author, chair, Christmas, code, game, God, home, house, love, oil change, people, play, Work
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