haven’t updated in a while. so here goes. Cornerstone is going great. we are doing this 40 days of purpose thing. we read a book for 40 days and meet in small groups about it. looks like it should be very rewarding. next wednesday we are going to see The Passion, i guess we rented […]
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Tags: mom, people, serah, Soulpatch, Work
Today Becky and I went to Dr. Vargo’s memorial service. He was a professor at Cal U, and the father of a dear friend, Andy. Andy is a strong man, I have a lot of respect for him. Keren went to the service too, I wish I would have gotten a chance to talk to […]
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Tags: christ, Donnie Darko, family, Kenneth Cole, Keren, love, Mike, movie, play, serah, skater, song, supervisor, The Butterfly Effect, Work
So i guess you want an update. well, you came to the right place. nothing too crazy to say this week though. I saw cops chasing a guy on the bus ride home from work on Sunday. That was interesting. My mass communication proffessor is so inteligent. Her vocabulary is amazing, and everything she said […]
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Tags: home, Jordan, serah, song, Work
well my sleep behavior is probably the worst it has ever been. I stay up til 5 am, wake up at 10, and still can’t go to sleep before 2 am. I dont know what it is. If i let myself sleep naturally, i always sleep for atleast 10 hours though. just surfing tonight really, […]
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Tags: happy, serah, sleep, Touchtown
high dee ho people. 21 came and went. only a few people cared to notice, and i thank you all for that. Really means a lot to me. especially in the funk that i have been in recently. Still not alcohol for me though. keren is a short concert pooper. she wanted to leave early […]
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Tags: family, house, Keren, love, Mike, mom, people, serah, Thanksgiving, Tirza
well i made an announcement on Wednesday for the Cornerstone forums and so far we have 8 members:) I am hoping more people will catch on. My german candy is about half gone. that is some good stuff:) Yesterday I went into Touchtown (my second job) and gave some troubleshooting tips to everyone there. Hopefully […]
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Tags: Club Laga, Deirdre, Keren, people, serah, Thanksgiving, Touchtown