How old is the oldest article of clothing you own, that you’d still consider “in rotation”? There’s certainly some old Tshirts we pull out to paint in, but I’m talking about clothes you’d consider wearing in public. I might even consider what you work out in. I have a few tshirts I’ve had since 8th […]
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Tags: clothes, fashion, highschool, impression, public, rags, social, tshirt
You don’t tuck in tshirts or polo shirts. They’re not designed to be tucked in, they’re designed to be a little more comfortable. This is especially true if you have a big ol beer gut. Why the eff would you tuck in your shirt to accentuate your belly? That’s just disgusting.
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Tags: clothes, comfort, fashion, fat, polo, rolls, shirt, tshirt, tuck, underwear, weird
Spurred from Hall’s Rule of Social Order #103. The Ramones did it. Tom Delonge did it. Some fans say it’s like wearing uniforms in sports. Some fans think’s it silly that you can wear a sport jersey to a game, but you can’t wear a band’s tshirt to their concert. Maybe it’s a point of […]
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Tags: acceptable, clothes, concert, etiquette, fashion, game, indie, music, normal, PCU, ramones, social behavior, t-shirt, tee, tour, tshirt
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