Don’t wear ties with short sleeve shirts. There’s no dressing that short sleeve shirt up. Face it. Your arm hair and forearms scream “I want to be comfortable!”, much louder than your tie will ever scream “take me seriously.” Really, I question the existence of short sleeved dress shirts entirely. Unless your name is Angus […]
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Tags: casual, clothes, dress shirt, fashion, formal, short sleeves, sleeve, tie
Don’t just have fun when you’re winning. Learn to fill your enjoyment meter by witnessing others having fun. Creating a fuss or scene in the context of you losing doesn’t make you win that game or any future games. It does decrease the number of losses though –by no one ever wanting to play […]
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Tags: experience, fun, game, happy, loser, positive, sportmanship, sports, team, winner, winning
You deserve nothing. Live like it. You may find life is more rewarding as a result. An inflated self-image and sense of entitlement are like termites eating out the supports of your house until the supports can no longer bear the load. Once your world comes crashing down on you, it’s more efficient to […]
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Tags: deserve, deserving, ego, entitlement, life, living, right
Own your failures. People think “oh, I shouldn’t tell people I suck at this, because then they’ll know” but chances are, they already know. If you own it, not only will it help you grow, but it will rebuild your trust with anyone who already knew the truth. In fact, I think it’s perfectly fine […]
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Tags: abilities, fail, introspection, life, own, practice, self, skill, sports, value, Work, worth
Stop apologizing. The more you apologize, the cheaper your apologies get. The world is plagued with what seems to be a responsibility to apologize when someone 1) doesn’t agree 2) is offended or 3) just doesn’t like what you said. That last one is the linchpin and probably what is causing the disease. It […]
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Tags: apologize, apology, forgiveness, move on, offended, ruckus, rude, sorry, statement, thick skin, words
You can’t control others. You can influence. You can lead by example. You can threaten. You can scare. You can encourage. You can explain your point of view. You can layout the logic and consequences of actions. You can suck it up and walk away when they still don’t do what you say because […]
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Tags: control, dictate, direction, follow, follower, kids, lead, leader, order, people, rule, teen, teenager
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