Personal Update

and miles to go before i sleep.

6 January, 2004 (14:42) | Personal Update

school started yesterday. here is my schedule:

Mon:   Mass Communication        9:00 - 11:25
       Russian Fairy Tales       1:00 - 1:50       
       Introduction to Logic     6:00 - 8:30

Tues:  Orthodox Christianity     11:00 - 12:15

Wed:   Russian Fairy Tales       1:00 - 1:50

Thurs: Russian Fairy Tales       9:00 - 9:50
       Orthodox Christianity     11:00 - 12:15

there were only 4 people in my mass comm class monday, so that should be a nice class since it is so small. Fairy tales on the other hand had 300 people in it. and my logic class is the same stuff we did in my discrete structures class, so i should be able to do very well in it.

no class on Fridays, which should be nice, but i work at 4. Other than that, not too much news, just trying to get a feel for things this semester.


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