
I defy all odds

31 May, 2005 (09:27) | Ramblings

I drink this 20 oz nestea cool a couple of times a week at work, and on the label it says 1 in 12 wins. i’ve had about 20, and i got nothing. born a loser.


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Comment from Runering
Time May 31, 2005 at 6:26 pm

sounds about right, but don’t worry, in the last 3 multiple guess…. um i mean choice tests i’ve done, i’ve managed to get less tham the odds, 8 out of 50, whne there are only 4 options, 7 out of 40 twice with 5 options. i suck at multiple guess… choice….

Comment from Runering
Time May 31, 2005 at 6:26 pm

sounds about right, but don’t worry, in the last 3 multiple guess…. um i mean choice tests i’ve done, i’ve managed to get less tham the odds, 8 out of 50, whne there are only 4 options, 7 out of 40 twice with 5 options. i suck at multiple guess… choice….