Friday 5


15 August, 2008 (13:33) | Friday 5

so puts out 5 questions every friday for bloggers to answer, so I think i’ll play along.

  • What did you last replace batteries for?
  •   – I try to use rechargable batteries where i can, but I’ve used a few AA in my wireless keyboard and mouse from time to time.

  • What have you thrown away that you probably could have had repaired?
  •   – My sister gave me her old eliptical machine that needed some sort of belt replaced, but I was too lazy to fix it.

  • Among items in your line of sight right now, what should probably be put in the trash? 
  •  – I’m at my desk at work, I have some spare printouts from meetings that i won’t use again…

  • When did you last use disposable cutlery while dining in your house?
  •   – I don’t even know what that is…plastic knives??

  • Whose actions cause you to waste time you otherwise wouldn’t waste? 
  • – Well, Erik filled the dishwasher with hand soap earlier this week, and i found out the hard way and had to clean that up.  I’m also driving to philly and back to see Kallie and Tim, so that would be 10 hours of driving i normally wouldn’t do.


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    Comment from Kallie
    Time August 15, 2008 at 3:43 pm

    I’ll have to try and make it worth your time…and come up with things you can do in the car to redeem your drive. Hmmm

    Comment from Kallie
    Time August 15, 2008 at 3:43 pm

    I’ll have to try and make it worth your time…and come up with things you can do in the car to redeem your drive. Hmmm