Thoughts & Ideas

the Jetsons

6 October, 2008 (00:56) | Thoughts & Ideas

Are automobiles the pinnacle of personal transportation?  I was thinking while driving back on the turnpike today that I wouldn’t trust normal people to fly cars or hover crafts or anything like that.  I wonder if they said the same thing about cars at first though.  We’ll say cars were available to the public around 1900.  I wouldn’t say they caught on until the 40s as a practical solution where they started seeing them everywhere and started thinking about highways and such.  I haven’t seen any research that would near anything safe for human flight at a mass produced level.  It might be taken at an indicator that it’s simple never going to be practical or safe.  All we are left with is improving existing tech, like the electric car and such.  There has to be hope for some new innovation………….right?