
The Projects

19 November, 2010 (12:00) | Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Housing Authority announced their plan to demolish Addison Terrace in the Hill District. If this goes through, it will only leave the Bedford Dwellings as the last remaining barracks style housing projects in the Hill District. For those of you not familiar with the Hill but hear about shootings and crime, 99.9% of all shootings occur on Chauncey or Bentley Drive. Chauncey (Bedford Dwellings) is in the middle of the hill, along Bedford Avenue, and Bentley (Addison Terrace) runs around Elmore Square, between uptown and oakland. It’s across Kirkpatrick Street from the Oak Hill apartment community. Addison Terrace is the one that you can see from my house, so getting that area cleaned up and turned to a positive community would be great for the Hill.

read more : http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10322/1104357-100.stm


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