typing 2 spaces after a sentence is wrong

6 May, 2011 (12:00) | FYI/DIY

Typing 2 spaces after a period at the end a sentence is wrong.

Maybe “wrong” is too strong, but it’s not right.  Don’t believe me?  Go ask the experts, like the Modern Language Association –

It stems back to the old days of typewriters, where each character took up the same “space” as any other character.  Skinny letters like I and l took up the same space as M and W, which would leave sentences looking broken apart and disorganized.  So, the double space rule was implemented to make paragraphs easier to read.

I guess it’s up to you to follow the rules, but they’re there.  Let’s see people try to enforce them.

Brought to you courtesy of Slate.



Comment from Amy
Time May 6, 2011 at 4:38 pm

I have such an issue with this! I know it’s not necessary (and was aware of where the ‘rule’ stemmed from) but it’s such a habit! I guess I thought it was an MLA standard growing up and that’s where I picked it up? Not sure.

Comment from Grammar
Time May 13, 2011 at 2:27 pm

Let’s take a look at this post:
“right.  Don’t”  – 2 spaces
“me?  Go” – 2 spaces
“character.  Skinny” – 2 spaces
“disorganized.  So,” – 2 spaces
“there.  Let’s” – 2 spaces

Old habits are hard to break…