Hall's Rules of Social Order

Hall’s Rule of Social Order # 192

12 April, 2010 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

Drop-D is bifurcated by amateur and awesomeness.  It’s a hard but necessary division.



9 April, 2010 (18:10) | Pittsburgh

Congratulations to Kristy on winning to 2 tickets to the Carnegie Museum!


Thanks to used cars in pittsburgh as well!

Thoughts & Ideas

and when you die, you’re dead.

8 April, 2010 (12:00) | Thoughts & Ideas

Are there more people alive right now then people that have ever died?  What’s your first thought?  I want to say that there are more dead people, but I’m not sure how to figure this out, or the best possible way to make an educated guess.

According to census.gov, there are 6,812,935,148 people alive today.  So if we assume an average of 2 people (parents) for every person alive today, then we’d only have to go through 1 generation of dead people to tip the scale to the dead people.  If the most common family dynamic is 2 kids per 2 family, then we’re almost at a stand still.  Thoughts?

Here’s a visual aid:

I see dead people

Hall's Rules of Social Order

Hall’s Rules of Social Order #56

5 April, 2010 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

If you’re annoying people, you’re an annoying person.  Trying to explain how you’re not annoying is actually counter-productive.  Doing more annoying things despite knowing you’re annoying will be grounds for being ignored.  Note: Definitions of “being ignored” may vary in practice.  It may result in you actually being shot or another method of being murdered.

Thoughts & Ideas

You take your car to work, I’ll take my board

3 April, 2010 (12:00) | Thoughts & Ideas

So Kallie and I need about 1.2 cars.  I walk to work and most places we go together.  Every once in a while though, we need to go separate ways.

I’m envisioning a car that can break in half basically.  I think there are people like us that need more than 1 car sometimes.  There would also be a market for couples in the city with 1 parking space.

I’m thinking 2 small engines, one in the front, one in the back, driving each axel independently.  When you have the “cars” together, the two engines work together.

You’d have to make the extra tires fold up or something when it’s in 1 car mode.  I don’t have any design ideas yet, but I think there’s a need, and where there is a need and some imagination, you have potential.


Jump right in

31 March, 2010 (00:00) | Ramblings

So, I’m trying to transition over to itunes (version 9) after being a hardcore winamp user since the late 90s.  Winamp’s keyboard shortcuts are the cat’s pajamas though, and I’m missing them tremendously.  Specifically, the shortcut to jump to a song.  Hit "J" and just start typing in a title or band and it dynamically searches for you.  It’s great when you can’t remember who sang a song and you just remember the track name or vice versa.  Nothing like that in itunes, and surely not as simple.

I also miss the visualizations of winamp.  I loved having that in a mini window.  Infact, plugins alone are lacking dramatically in itunes.  It’s weak.  I want skins!  that’s one of the main reasons why I have a jailbroken iphone.  I don’t like your interface, Mr. Jobs.  LET ME CUSTOMIZE IT.  I AM A UNIQUE SNOWFLAKE.  I AM THE ALL SINGING ALL DANCE CRAP OF THE WORLD.

The another shortcut key I’m missing is queue.  In winamp, I could click a song, hit "q" and winamp would play that song next and then go right back to where it was on the playlist.  As far as I can tell, there is no way to do this.  That’s based on forum posts through google that date back to 2003, and Apple still doesn’t listen to their users.  How they crap do they have such product loyalty when they don’t listen to their users?  cough cough mindless droids  cough cough.

I feel like winamp was a baseball.  Intricately laced, tight, filled with strings and cool stuff and was pretty solid.  Itunes is more like a basketball.  It’s bigger, bounces better, but it’s filled with a lot of air.  I guess I’m the anti-michael jordan in this analogy?  Whatever, Apple is refusing to play ball regardless.